Sentences with phrase «recent national poll»

As things stand, based on the only recent national poll published today, we have the following share of the vote.
Maryann Barakso, associate director of the UMass Poll, noted that concern about terrorist attacks was lower in the Massachusetts poll than it has been in recent national polls.
Reality: The most recent national poll conducted by Democratic polling firm Beck Research for the American Federation for Children found 70 percent of voters support school choice, and 65 percent support opportunity scholarships otherwise known as school vouchers.
The Common Core has become a poisonous brand; one recent national poll found that including the phrase «Common Core» reduced support for the idea of common reading and math standards by nearly one - fourth.
Either way, Merkel seems to have little to fear in her reelection bid: The most recent national poll gives her a lead of 11 points.
In a recent national polling project conducted by Hope Through Healing Hands, conservatives were asked their view of contraceptives as it related to access to women in developing nations and saving their lives.
Reihan Salam notes Tim Pawlenty's miserable results in a recent national poll.
Thus a recent national poll shows that voters aged eighteen to thirty - four are in favor (56 percent to 40 percent).
Fox News will determine who those top ten candidates are by using an average of the five most - recent national polls, as chosen by Fox News.
Take all the recent national polling evidence together, and of one thing I think we can be confident.
The state results mirrored some recent national polls.
CHICAGO TRIBUNE - July 10 - According to a recent national poll dating across ethnic lines still carries some apprehension.
A recent national poll found that 61 percent of parents who report that their financial situation is not strong say that the costs of childcare pose for them a financial problem, with about third of those parents indicating that the financial burden is «very serious.»
When voters were asked in a recent national poll which candidate would be better for public education, there was little agreement.
A recent national poll indicated that 51 percent of all Americans support the idea of charter schooling.
Particularly in the US, it is increasingly something that voters care about — a recent national poll of registered voters in the US showed that a majority of voters favor candidates who will take action to fight climate change.
Americans generally disapprove of binding arbitration provisions in consumer contracts as an alternative to civil legal proceedings involving a judge or jury, according to a recent national poll by survey firm Peter D. Hart Research Associates Inc..
Canadians are showing more optimism about almost every area where they invest, pushing investor sentiment to its highest level in more than a year, says a recent national poll for Manulife Financial.
According to a recent national poll conducted by NAHB, 59 % of all adults surveyed said they would at least consider buying a driverless car.
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