Sentences with phrase «recent sky surveys»

A team studying data from a recent sky survey has spotted a huge burst of radio waves that came and went in the blink of an eye and has not returned since.

Not exact matches

A recent survey showed that the majority of people questioned pictured God as «an old man with a long white beard up in the sky
A recent upgrade to one of the Catalina Sky Survey's telescopes resulted in a tripling of its average monthly NEO discovery rate.
For instance, look at the recent use of the Cosmic Evolution Survey, using the Hubble Space Telescope to study gravitational lensings [in which the gravitational pull of galaxies and dark matter bends the light from more distant objects] in an area of the sky nine times the apparent surface area of the full moon.
A recent analysis based on a sky mapping project called the Outer Solar System Origins Survey, which discovered more than 800 new «trans - Neptunian objects,» suggests that the evidence also could be consistent with a random distribution of such objects.
Discovered in 2015 by the Pan-STARRS NEO survey team, the comet has gotten considerably brighter after the recent outburst and is now noticeable in the dawn sky with binoculars or a compact telescope.
A recent grassroots football survey by Sky Sports showed that 46 per cent of players rated sports facilities in their area as «poor» or «very poor».
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