Sentences with phrase «recent studies documenting»

This is especially concerning given recent studies documenting serious health problems in people and livestock adjacent to fracking sites.
Raiser refers to the most recent study document of the Dombes Group, which speaks of a needed «conversion» of the Churches, that is, a shift of attention from what still separates them to the task of strengthening all that already binds them together and that strengthens and expands the community between them.
A recent study documents their experience: At one month postpartum, breastfeeding women were significantly less anxious than formula - feeding women.
USGS reported that another recent study documented similar changes on the Mackenzie River in Canada, which also flows into the Arctic.
In addition, recent studies document that dietary treatment now exists for hyperthyroid cats.
As many of you know, recent studies document a rapid acceleration (relative to recent estimates) of the rates of polar melting.
For example, a recent study documented that the long - predicted drying trend for the Middle East is a reality.
Moreover, a recent study documents the racism reported by indigenous Australians living in a major Australian city when accessing health services, and the effect of this on their reports of poor health and wellbeing [7].

Not exact matches

As the debate has taken on a decidedly Asia focus, with some recent studies and popular media coverage pointing to investors from Asia as one of the drivers of Vancouver's soaring housing prices, the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (APF Canada) has written a background document aggregating the available facts, outlining similar challenges in other jurisdictions, and raising the question: Is public policy required?
A second recent document, «Affirming Justice,» issued this year by the ecumenical Commission on Religion in Appalachia, likewise touches several of these themes and deserves further study and implementation.
Besides the 2013 University of Washington study, a number of other recent studies have found education ineffective in improving self - reporting by athletes, adding to a growing body of evidence challenging the conventional wisdom that inadequate athlete concussion knowledge is the principal barrier to increased reporting, and suggesting that one of the best ways to combat underreporting by athletes of concussion symptoms may be to shift the focus of educational efforts towards helping coaches facilitate concussion reporting, the theory being that athletes will be more likely to report concussion symptoms if they no longer think that they will be punished by the coach for reporting, such as by losing playing time or their starting position, perceived by their teammates as letting them down, or viewed by their coach as «weak,» all of which have been documented in numerous studies over the past decade as reasons athletes are reluctant to report concussion symptoms.
In one of the most recent studies to document the extraordinary exposure and accumulation of pollutants and toxins in children today, the umbilical cord blood of babies from around America was tested for toxins at the time of their births.
Recent years have seen a large rise in the number of humanists who are on SACREs, as documents such as the 2013 national framework, programmes of study and RE guidance have referred to teaching about non-religious beliefs such as Humanism.
Numerous studies in recent years have documented how lower pH (higher acidity) can make it harder for shellfish and tiny organisms to form shells or internal skeletons and to reproduce.
But a recent study published in Pediatrics documents a new mechanism for infection in which HHV - 6 integrated into parental DNA is passed on at conception.
Another recent study, for instance — just out last week in Science Advances — documented a general decline in snow water resources across High Mountain Asia, a region spanning from the Hindu Kush region to the Himalayas.
While many recent studies have documented that agricultural producers must significantly increase yields in order to meet the food, feed, and fuel demands of a growing population, few have given practical solutions on how to do this.
More recent studies have documented the material properties through biaxial testing (testing in two directions simultaneously).
In a recent study published by Point Blue Conservation Science (Point Blue) and Audubon California in the journal Western Birds, scientists document the importance of irrigated agricultural crops in California's Central Valley to a conspicuous shorebird.
«Studies during the past decade have clearly documented that a genome is not a static entity but a dynamic structure continuously refining its gene pool,» van Montagu wrote in a recent memoir.
The letter further contends that recent chimp studies for the first time have identified «unique features of the human brain and have documented the unusual vulnerability of humans to a variety of disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, infectious diseases, cancer, and heart disease.»
In two recent and well - documented studies of New Guinea groups following ancient tribal custom, the ultimate punishment appears to be meted out to at least 10 percent of the young men in each generation.
«Today the Earth is still adjusting to the recent rapid rise of CO2 caused by human activities, whereas the longer - term Pliocene records document the full response of CO2 - related warming,» says Southampton's Dr Gavin Foster, co-author of the study.
Recent clinical studies have documented the suppressive effect of selenium treatment on serum anti-thyroid peroxidase concentrations in patients with HT.
This is a remarkable document, covering in extensive detail the design and results of dozens of charter school studies from recent years.
Yet, a recent study of the first two years of Louisiana's private school voucher program documented large negative impacts on test scores.
Indeed, as documented in several recent studies, a well - qualified student from a low - income family has a lower chance of going to college than a poorly qualified student from a high - income family.
The marginal cost of choosing one textbook over another is generally close to zero (because all textbooks cost about the same amount [xiv]-RRB-, and several recent studies have documented meaningfully large differences in student outcomes.
It has often become a sardonic transformational tool encouraging violence.xiiThe «capability of the media to inflame hatreds and promote violence has been relatively well documented from early studies such as the role of radio in Nazi propaganda campaigns to the more recent examples of the Rwandan genocide.»
Several recent studies have attempted to document the lives of teachers as they confront the challenges of leadership.
In a recent review of studies documenting Latino students» poor achievement in schools relative to other populations, however, Losey (1995) has been critical of investigations claiming a «cultural mismatch» between home and school since many do not, in her words, «collect or analyze data from real - life interactions in actual settings» (p. 288).
A number of recent voucher studies in other states documented actual loss in academic achievement for participating students.
Review and share the document that includes quotes from recent research in over 21 state studies.
A femoral head ostectomy (FHO) for the hip is an option that was described in the scientific literature about 50 years ago, but no conclusive studies with objective evidence, such as recent reliable force plate gait analysis data, are available that document a return to «normal» function as is available following total hip replacement (THR) surgery.
Recent studies have documented an increased risk to some very common cancers in dogs that are sterilized.
Cats are more straight forward in recommendations and there have been no recent studies to document ill effects of sterilization.
While the relationship between age and brain atrophy in humans is well documented and could potentially bias a comparison between different age groups, there is no evidence that this is the case in dogs (a recent study has shown that Labradors in the age groups 1 — 5, 5 — 10 and 10 + have similar cerebellar volumes)[22] or even chimpanzees [25].
It is a smallish lizard with novel mating behaviors that have been documented in recent studies.
In his recent book, Benjamin Swett's study of city trees documents a set of public and private New York characters, some louder than others.
The show features a new series of anamorphic mural installations that document the most recent aspects of the collective aesthetic and poetic research of the group focusing on the study of geometric abstraction in relation with the architecture and the surrounding urban space.
While the report contains little new research, it pulls together recent studies, research, and graphics on coffee production and climate change into a single document, outlining a situation that looks very dire for coffee producers and drinkers alike.
(The $ 558 million refers to funding from foundations; the remaining funding for the Conspiracy came from individual donors, member dues, investment income, etc.) The Roanoke Times, Winston - Salem Journal, and other papers ran an article that even missed the distinction between revenues and spending as it declared, «A recent study by Drexel University professor Robert Brulle documents almost a billion dollars a year spent by think tanks, foundations and others denying that there's a problem at all.»
There are no recent studies to document it: neither the government agencies, nor the wind industry, are eager to look into this, lest the public understand how harmful windfarms are to biodiversity.
As a recent study from the University of Bristol documented, climate scientists have been so distracted and intimidated by the relentless campaign against them that they tend to avoid any statements that might get them labeled «alarmists,» retreating into a world of charts and data.
As we documented in a recent study of newspaper opinion pages, one place where this problem is alive and well is USA Today, which often pairs scientifically accurate editorials about climate change with «opposing view» op - eds that flatly deny climate change is happening or that it's caused by human activities.
-- Southern Ocean Iron Fertilization Experiment (SOFeX)-- The basics of the most recent expedition — Penny Chisholm's site, which lists many professional papers — Paul Falkowski's article (PDF document)-- DOE article: Climate Change Scenarios Compel Studies of Ocean Carbon Storage — Government site for carbon sequestration research — An earlier piece Williams wrote on sequestration — Will Ocean Fertilization To Remove Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere Work?
A recent expose was written showing just how financially skewed and biased science is, as well as documenting that the vast majority of scientific studies are pure garbage as science has shifted into a publishing business model rather than sticking to the scientific method.
Wind industry critics won't find a smoking gun in the study, which documents just two eagle mortalities in the last 20 years, the most recent in 1997.
Similarly, we've learned in recent months that staffers at the EPA have been rebranding satellites that help keep track of climate change as those that study «weather,» and that they've elected to replace the phrase «climate change» with «climate resiliency» in documents.
The failure of OSM to address these troublesome programmatic issues is particularly alarming given recent scientific studies that have documented the scale of the impacts to air and water quality, and the link between these impacts and human health problems in Appalachia.
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