Sentences with phrase «recent tax reform bill»

The recent tax reform bill dramatically increased the standard deduction, almost doubling it from previous levels.
The hiccup that taxpayers face in making 2018 contributions to IRAs comes from the recent tax reform bill.
The bad news involves the recent tax reform bill.
The recent tax reform bill under President Trump, called the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), may have you questioning its impact on you.
We'll discuss the implications of the recent tax reform bill and how YOU can plan strategically to bring...
We'll discuss the implications of the recent tax reform bill and how YOU can plan strategically to bring down your taxes — and increase your wealth.
Although the recent tax reform bill dramatically increase the standard deductions for all filing statuses, if you can take all three of these deductions, you're far more likely to benefit from itemizing.
The recent tax reform bill was a nail in the coffin of any possible exemption cryptocurrency investors may have been able to see on their capital gains taxes.
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