Sentences with phrase «recent tendency»

By contrast, Andrew Cuomo epitomizes the mainstream Democratic Party's recent tendency toward centrism.
These discursive contexts will also provide a foundation to explore more recent tendencies related to unmonumental and social sculpture, post-fordism and other concerns, particularly among contemporary Australian artists.
Consistent with recent tendencies in painting and sculpture, and mirroring similar concepts that Raphael Rubinstein proposed in his 2009 essay «Provisional Painting,» or by the New Museum's inaugural group exhibition, «Unmonumental: The Object in the 21st Century,» Robinson's assemblage sculptures often reject conventional skills and are made with unconventional, unassuming materials.
From Professor Doug Berman, «this grant continues the Supreme Court's wonderful recent tendency to focus on important real - world criminal justice issues that have often previously escaped its attention.»
However, I'd be more comfortable if it could break from its recent tendency to spend most or more than its annual free cash on the distribution and stock repurchases.
Continuation of such expansionary policy settings in emerging countries, apart from continuing the recent tendency to overheating in those countries, would presumably foster ongoing rapid growth in demand for natural resources.
From there, we started talking about just about everything: about the difficulty of living up to expectations, feeling burnt out from Life, piecing together bits of our life through expert stalking social media surfing, the recent guys in my idiosyncratic love life, and, oh yeah: my recent tendency to eat my feelingz.
Max Verstappen's recent tendency to get involved in incidents and crash into people reminds Christian Horner of when Sebastian Vettel was driving for the team
Paul Lambert's side were viewed by many as play - off contenders, mostly due to the recent tendency for Football...
In this manner, «Blue Jasmine» vaguely resembles «Husbands & Wives,» but certainly filtered through Allen's recent tendency to sift through and examine past heartaches and contrition.
Perhaps McGrath's input mirrored Cheech's in reeling in Allen's recent tendencies to intellectualize his story to the point where the audience can no longer relate to his singular vision.
First - tier documentarian Errol Morris finds himself slumming a bit with Tabloid, a clear departure from his recent tendency toward rigorous, serious - as - a-tumor inquiry.
There's a recent tendency and trend in indie cinema to downplay or deemphasize big game - changing moments in favor of something more authentic and realistic.
In fact, the recent tendency has been to intensify the traditional mode of testing, with higher cut - off scores and more «difficult» exams, without changing the underlying approach.
McNeil's statement seemed Elon Musk-esque, which is not a surprise considering The General's recent tendency to try and impress Wall Street analysts and Silicon Valley tech reporters above everyone else.
It's said that the Giula's larger stablemate won't arrive until 2018 and given Alfa's recent tendency to delay product launches, that estimate could be optimistic.
While the occasionally alarmist tone reflects the upswing of political populism, the parameters of Landy's work both accommodate and invert this recent tendency.
Not a biennial — that is, an international show organized around some grand theme or recent tendency — but simply a very, very big group exhibition.»
But given the art world's recent tendency to return to that period and reevaluate the heroes and antiheroes (the 25 female artists in the Tate's current Pop Art exhibition; the much buzzed - about giant painting by Lee Krasner across from a tiny painting by her husband, Jackson Pollock, at Whitney's inaugural show), it's fitting that Gilliam's work is creeping higher.
Despite the recent tendencies of returning to figuration, abstract art has never left the art world.
Superpower: Africa in Science Fiction surveys the recent tendency for artists and filmmakers to apply the forms and concerns of science fiction to narratives situated in the African continent.
Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, NY; «Recent Tendencies in Black and White», curated by Jerry Saltz (December 3 - December 24)(cat.)
Reversing its recent tendency toward career - surveying retrospectives, the U.S. pavilion, organized by Indianapolis Museum of Arts curator Lisa Freiman and sponsored by Hugo Boss, has tapped the team of Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla for a new installation combining performance, sculpture, sound, and video.
The recent tendency toward climate journalists emphasizing the worst - case scenario began last May, when in a single day, two major, separate studies on a huge glacier in West Antarctica were released, showing its melt may have already become unstoppable.
then the bear dies, or a picks a new favorite tree... (Might our fishing salmon to the limit explain part of the recent tendency of rings to not track tempertures and the «hide the decline» problem?)
Motorola's recent tendency to release a hundred different phones each year can get tiring very quickly, but even with so many devices being pushed out, the company's Z series and their accompanying Moto Mods still remain as one of the most unique throughout the smartphone market.
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