Sentences with phrase «recently called for evidence»

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De Waal recently published a book called «The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism Among the Primates,» which synthesizes evidence that there are biological roots in human fairness, and explores what that means for the role of religion in human societies.
And just as some masterpieces (think of Shakespeare's plays «really» written by Bacon) are dogged by fancies that they were done by someone else, so it has turned out to be with Goya and the Black Paintings: a Spanish furniture historian, Juan José Junquera, recently created a brief flurry of headlines in Europe and America by claiming - on no pictorial evidence at all - that the Black Paintings were «really» done by Goya's son Javier, a ne'er - do - much who may have been a painter - certainly his father called him that, if only in support of his application for a pension - but by whom no attributable paintings exist.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recently released a broad report on children's use of digital media, calling for more - rigorous evaluation of apps that claim to be educational: «Unfortunately, very few of the commercially available apps found in the educational section of app stores have evidence - based design input with demonstrated learning effectiveness.
A Technical Assistance call was held this morning to review the recently released Request for Proposals (RFP) to establish at least four new evidence - based home visiting programs in selected high - need Florida communities.
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