Sentences with phrase «recently decapitated»

I am not sure at what point it was that I realised just how good Divinity Original Sin II is, but somewhere between swapping war stories with rat (of the Rattus norvegicus persuasion) with delusions of grandeur, and my Elvin companion devouring the face of a recently decapitated head in order to acquire his memories I thought to myself, «This game might be something rather special.»
Perhaps it was the image of an emo'd - up Saoirse Ronan gently sobbing while clutching the head of her recently decapitated pet rat, Nick.
I obviously still ran around the rough, dusty excuse of a football pitch that was my primary school play ground - like a recently decapitated Turkey - every break time.

Not exact matches

He's stopped taking his medication and has recently made the news because a giraffe he adopted was accidentally decapitated by a highway overpass.
All too familiar with the outcome when businesses fail to implement suitable health and safety policies, Ciaran recently concluded a six figure claim against a factory in Milton Keynes where a cleaner was fatally decapitated in a horrific accident.
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