Sentences with phrase «recipe using something»

The first recipe I used it for was a pizza crust which rose perfectly in the exact time frame called for in the recipe.
I've seen other recipes using it but I didn't know where to buy it.
She has several books out and is a very big supporter of coconut oil and has several recipes using it.
Tomorrow's recipe uses it as the base for soup!
I love avocados and I am always on look out for new recipes using them.
Leave me a message below and I'll try to whip up a healthy recipe using it!
I did notice that some of your other bread recipes use it too.
I'm so glad you said this, as I'm banana intolerant and get so fed up of all the amazing recipes using them!
Quick question... I really dislike bananas and a lot of your sweet recipes use them.
I know homemade hummus recipes use it, too, but have you used it for anything else?
, and sooo many vegan baked - goods recipes use them.
I typically avoid coconut flour unless I find already established recipes using it.
I'm definitely tempted to remake a few other recipes using it.
We've been getting Swiss chard in our CSA box nearly every week for the past few weeks, so I'm excited to find a new recipe using it!
I love this dough recipe use it with all soughts of fillings - I usually make halve the batch and make it into giant raviolis makes about 9 and is absolutely delicious with any filling and tomato sauce to coat.
I love a streusel topping and I keep meaning to get Waitrose's signature spice after seeing so many great recipes using it on blogs and in their magazine.
Im working on more recipes using it as we speak!
I might add some peanut butter chips: I have never seen them in supermarkets in Europe but I bought some when I was in the US this year because I thought I was constantly seeing recipes using them.
Here are some great recipes using her flour: Gingerbread Waffles, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Fluffy Soda Biscuits, and Diner -LSB-...]
Your Tahini Waffle recipe uses it and I live in Turkey where there are few coconut products.
Cream Cheese Frosting sliiightly adapted from Smitten Kitchen side note: that is not the red velvet cake recipe I used
My favorite recipe we used them for was a cherry overnight oats that tastes JUST LIKE cherry pie.
Now, it's the only recipe I use
I've shared a few recipes using it here (like this Garden Farro Salad with Feta and Italian Tuna and White Bean Farro Salad — you must make both!).
I'd been thinking a lot about your breakfast lasagne recipe using them, and thought they would be perfect substitue for lasagne noodles and they are!
I have a few really good recipes using it, one of which is a sort of couscous, terrific for in the hot, summer months!
A ripe cantaloupe is one of the most intoxicating pieces of produce under the sun — and this easy dinner recipe uses it creatively.
But I realize that many people don't want to bother with learning how to use a traditional pressure cooker so for Christmas I asked the hubby to buy me the Instant Pot so I could bring you more glorious quick recipes using it.
You'll love having the convenience of Flavor of the Earth products in your kitchen if you try them, and I know you'll enjoy the incredible flavor they provide to whatever recipes you use them in.
I was also happy to see a recipe that does not use palm oil — the growing and harvesting of palm oil is destroying our planet's rainforests and so many DIY recipes use it without ever giving thought to the environmental cost.
I've also been loving making apple butter; it's so good on an English muffin and I'm working on a dessert recipe using it.
These seven products are my natural beauty staples... (There's a list of recipes I use them in below!)
Now I will be on the prowl for more recipes using it.
this looks so delicious... thanks for sharing but i wish there's a crockpot on sale here because i've been reading a lot of great recipe using it.
We got our hands on their product, the Actifry and whipped up some healthy recipes using it.
I've made several bread recipes using it (cooked them in a microwave «case i don't have an oven) One thing i've learned is to always airate the egg white and slowly fold it into the batter.
I can't wait to read about your other recipes using them!
This is my first recipe using it, but not my first HS recipe.
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