Sentences with phrase «recites long»

Since2004, the school has welcomed new graduateswith an elaborate «ring ceremony» that involves reciting a long oath of membership («I understand that I am now amember of a distinguished community,» goes one passage).
Instead of succumbing to the urge to recite a long list of features and benefits, show your product or service in action.
[When I moved from the Carolinas to Massachusetts for school] most of the white Southerners at the time could recite long lists of battles lost and won and argue over...
In some of the best five minutes of the documentary, Clinton's campaign manager sits him down just one day before his expected announcement to recite the long list of women with whom Clinton had been «involved».
World - class memory athletes can rattle off a hundred unrelated words, recite long lists of fictional historical dates, and recall complicated sequences of playing cards.
Since I was very good at memorizing and reciting long poems, the teacher thought I would be good at playing a leading role in a play.
The accord was struck after 18 months of negotiations between the Obama administration, Iran, Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the European... his speech by reciting a long list of grievances with Iran dating back to the...
Reciting a long list of criminal offenses for participating in a «marriage of convenience,» the government employee cautions the duo about tying the knot under false pretenses.
If you are interested in a bird that is able to recite longer bits of text rather than one - or two - word phrases, this may be the pet for you.
Senator Seitz also heard testimony from Daniel Simmons of the Institute for Energy Research (IER), who recited long - debunked statistics from the so - called «Spanish study» and «Danish study.»

Not exact matches

I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
Children and adults are no longer required to recite prayers or pledges which may contradict their personal / religious views and are not required to advocate a government message on their personal property (e.g. they can not be forced to display a state slogan like «live free or die» on their license plate).
Recite the prayer from John 17 (the «longest prayer»), but make sure to stop on each occurrence of the word «I» with extra emphasis as you speak it, waiting each time and looking at each member of the audience's eyes before continuing.
Many an evening, before and afterward, he would sit in our living room after dinner and respond to the invitation to recite some poetry ¯ especially Yeats ¯ and he would demur, and wisecrack, and then launch out into thirty or forty minutes of long ballads he had committed to memory.
The Pledge of Allegiance is still recited throughout schools across the country, but it is no longer mandatory.
The dean, instead of pronouncing the traditional benediction, began to recite the concluding paragraph of the final adventure in Narnia, The Last Battle: «And as He spoke He no longer looked to them like a lion...»
Battery A, 10th AART Battalion, U.S. Army North Africa and Italy, 1942 «1944 Those last three days, reciting from memory Cicero and Vergil, you could quote Long passages of Latin poetry.
Three changes occurred: (1) the prayer and the accompanying exchange of peace, which had followed the Agnus Dei, nowprecede it; (2) the prayer itself is no longer said silently, but rather is recited aloud; and (3) the possessive adjective modifying «sins» in the Latin text has been changed from the singular mea (my sins) to the plural nostra (our sins)-- a change, which subsequently found its way into the vernacular translations.
But when a worship service is dominated by long, spoken pastoral prayers, and long, recited in unison confessions, and readings, and all that, with maybe two or three inaccessible hymns thrown in, I mean it's no wonder people have better things to do on Sunday morning.
Such a recitation of the canon could only take place at an occasion such as the Sixth Council of Buddhism, where thousands of monks were occupied for a long period of time reciting the sutras consecutively.
Thus Psalm 50 would appear to have had its liturgical cultic setting in the repeated ceremony of covenant renewal; and Psalm 24 has long been recognized as a liturgy recited at the temple doors antiphonally between the temple personnel within and the procession of newly arrived pilgrims without.
Can you recite a verse, any verse, that is more than two sentences long?
Films that might have fit this putative strand included the charming but overlong Timeless Stories, co-written and directed by Vasilis Raisis (and winner of the Michael Cacoyannis Award for Best Greek Film), a story that follows a couple (played by different actors at different stages of the characters» lives) across the temporal loop of their will - they, won't - they relationship from childhood to middle age and back again — essentially Julio Medem - lite, or Looper rewritten by Richard Curtis; Michalis Giagkounidis's 4 Days, where the young antiheroine watches reruns of Friends, works in an underpatronized café, freaks out her hairy stalker by coming on to him, takes photographs and molests invalids as a means of staving off millennial ennui, and causes ripples in the temporal fold, but the film is as dead as she is, so you hardly notice; Bob Byington's Infinity Baby, which may be a «science - fiction comedy» about a company providing foster parents with infants who never grow up, but is essentially the same kind of lame, unambitious, conformist indie comedy that has characterized U.S. independent cinema for way too long — static, meticulously framed shots in pretentious black and white, amoral yet supposedly lovable characters played deadpan by the usual suspects (Kieran Culkin, Nick Offerman, Megan Mullally, Kevin Corrigan), reciting apparently nihilistic but essentially soft - center dialogue, jangly indie music at the end, and a pretty good, if belated, Dick Cheney joke; and Petter Lennstrand's loveably lo - fi Up in the Sky, shown in the Youth Screen section, about a young girl abandoned by overworked parents at a sinister recycling plant, who is reluctantly adopted by a reconstituted family of misfits and marginalized (mostly puppets) who are secretly building a rocket — it's for anyone who has ever loved the Tintin moon adventures, books with resourceful heroines, narratives with oddball gangs, and the legendary episode of Angel where David Boreanaz turned into a Muppet.
Long - time fans will probably be best served by a reciting a mantra that goes something like «this isn't real Star Trek, but it doesn't matter» while watching it.
Yet I can no longer recite the capitols of all the states or the elements in the periodic table — all information that I had memorized.
The old - school model of passively learning facts and reciting them out of context is no longer sufficient to prepare students to survive in today's world.
To elicit the effort and energy needed for long - term retention, I have students try to memorize a set of five of their unmastered facts, reciting the prompt and the product together.
With this lesson, you can help students begin speaking in longer phrases by having them prepare a talk on their daily activities that they can then read or recite to their fellow classmates and which can then be used as the basis for questions.
I have some great writers» sayings that I admire; a handful of positive Chinese fortune - cookie blurbs; the query letter for the novel that is currently being shopped by my agent; a few photos that inspire me; and lastly, a short and long version of a mantra I repeat EVERY DAY (the shorter version can be recited in the car, the shower, the market, etc).
Note how long it takes to recite the passage and control your pace.
Foregrounding the naked body — both male and female — The Forever Loop presents a solo dancer moving through the space, reciting a monologue written by Peake, alongside a roller skater traversing the 90 - metre long gallery.
When was the last time we saw Rembrandt's «Christ Healing the Sick» in the same room with Buddha, And the prophet Muhammad reciting Rumi's «Masnavi» In Husamuddin Chelebi's dream, adjacent to Saint Onouphrios, whose long beard divides TRUTH AND FALSE IN HALF FOR THE WORLD IS MAD!
Reciting an unknown prayer, Saltz proclaimed, «No longer shall private previews, hors d'oeuvres, and cocktail receptions burden me!»
BC Injury Law And ICBC Claims Blog Subjective Soft Tissue Injuries And Judicial Scrutiny Last year I criticized the often recited judicial passage stating that «``... the Court should be exceedingly careful when there is little or no objective evidence of continuing injury and when complaints of pain persist for long periods extending beyond the normal or usual recovery...» and pointing out that these comments should no longer be used given Supreme Court of Canada's reasons in FH v. McDougall.
The Google Home doesn't offer routines like Amazon's Alexa - powered smart speakers, but it does have shortcuts for when reciting commands like the long one mentioned above is just too much.
«Be the change that you wish to see in the world,» Angelina Lazo, a Stoneman Douglas senior, said at a pre-march rally in Parkland this week, reciting a Gandhi quote that has long been displayed at the school.
You no longer find it necessary to recite nasty generalizations about members of the opposite sex.
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