Sentences with phrase «reckless use»

Commentators instead focus on potential reckless use or misuse, overestimate the pathogenic possibilities, and worry about deep questions such as: «Do we have the right to play God?».
Whose reckless use left Argentina at the top of the ranking in traffic accidents: in the 16 years the association «Luchemos por la Vida» has been keeping track, deaths from traffic accidents have only dropped from the 7,000 a year once (2002), and have surpassed the 8,000 three times.
In Fountain, a discipline hearing panel found a teacher guilty of «conduct unbecoming» for his careless and reckless use of a firearm, which he had fired it over the heads of his sons during an altercation.
The real issue is not, however, that Romney's neo-con inspired foreign policy will inevitably lead the U.S. to ideologically - justified war but because his reckless use of such rhetoric highlights his inexperience in foreign policy and may create far greater problems than he realises.
He said that on Monday night, then - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson «made it very clear that he sees this as part of a pack of increasingly disruptive behavior by Russia — the reckless use of chemical weapons that stretches from Syria to the streets of Salisbury.»
Even though observers testify that security agencies conducted themselves well in the Saturday election, the reckless use of money to influence voters is as evil as any other form of malpractice that can visit elections.
However, reckless use can cause significant damage to the gut resulting in microbial imbalance and widespread dysfunction.
Write today and tell your members of Congress that you do not support the reckless use of defeat devices, which disable the emissions control systems in our cars that remove dangerous air pollution before it goes out the tailpipe.
The number of incidents involving recreational drones has more than tripled since 2014, prompting the Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport to recently introduce a measure to prevent the reckless use of drones that is putting the safety of Canadians at risk.
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