Sentences with phrase «recognition by other governments»

Support / recognition by other governments?

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A number of Protestant, Catholic and civil liberties groups challenged this special nod to one faith, declaring that such recognition jeopardizes the rights of other churches (and of individual Catholics) by creating a direct government link with the Vatican.
By comparison, fishon would not recognize the marriage of a gay couple in Canada, even though it is legal, so I'm not sure it makes sense to require government recognition on the other side of the coin.
No one wants to legitimize others» trouble spots, but once a Spain - Catalonia agreement was made recognition of the separatists by other nations isn't undermining the official government.
«The step - change that is needed in relation to children's mental health will not be possible without recognition from Government that schools and other services need the time, resources and funding which ensure that no child has their life blighted by mental ill health.»
Like other interdisciplinary activities, recognition and support of interdisciplinary climate science by the broader scientific community — including university and government administrators, journal editors and reviewers, and funding agencies — is advancing slowly.
Some community forests are legally held and officially recognized by governments, while others are held based on custom only, often with no legal recognition or government protection.
By Article 25, each party state undertakes to recognise such judgments in other party states with the exception of judgments made against the government of the requested party or its employees in respect of acts taken on its behalf, as well as judgments where recognition or enforcement would be inconsistent with its international treaties.
Given the priority placed by the federal government on renewing the relationship between Canada and Indigenous peoples «based on recognition, rights, respect, co-operation, and partnership» these and other approaches should be the subject of government - to - government discussions to shape our new legislative frameworks, informed by the outcomes from the public reviews.
Each deals with cross-border issues in a different way — the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) by imposing an injunction which it can enforce at least in Canada if it is not obeyed globally, and the other by asking EU governments to actively sign up to mutual recognition.
By writing this innovative book, I have received recognition and endorsement from organizations, government officials, individuals and other Canadian career leaders.
[51] The Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Reconciliation, in a press release on the same day, also noted that the government had «reservations about the strategy to promote recognition of Indigenous rights over and above those enjoyed by other Australians».
Extinguish indigenous or native title and thus practically negate most of the legal rights recognised by the Court [125]... the amendments prefer the rights of non-native title holders over those of native title holders; they fail to provide native title holders with protection of the kind given to other landowners; they allow for discriminatory action by governments; they place barriers to the protection and recognition of native title; and they fail to provide for appropriately different treatment of unique aspects of Aboriginal culture.
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