Sentences with phrase «recognize dangerous conditions»

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That is to say, that although Oklahoma recognizes the «assumption of the risk» defense — in a nutshell, this means proving the plaintiff knew of a dangerous condition and voluntarily exposed himself or herself to it — to successfully use it, you must prove:
For example, we must recognize those who have toiled in dangerous conditions to bring us our present energy supply.
The federal government recognizes the dangerous working conditions offshore employees face on a daily basis and have granted certain protections to them in the event of an injury or deadly accident.
Florida judges recognize that places which invite people onto the property for profit (from a dorm room to a bar) have a duty to protect that invited guest from dangerous conditions on that property — and if the guest is a victim of violent crime, then the Florida courts have been willing to award damages in this unique kind of premises liability case in a variety of circumstances.
In order to successfully pursue a personal injury case, however, the victim must be able to prove that the property owner and / or manager has knowingly failed to clear away a potential tripping danger or that they should have recognized and remedied the problem — in the event that they deny having prior knowledge of the dangerous conditions.
• Provide procedural recommendations to follow in case of crime • Conduct preliminary and follow up criminal and crash scene investigations • Assure the preservation, examination and evidence collection at crime scene • Ensure citizen safety and welfare by recognizing potential problems and dangerous conditions and taking appropriate action to resolve the same
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