Sentences with phrase «recognized sacraments»

In Protestant Christianity, although there are generally only two recognized sacraments, «the Word of God» as recorded in the Bible is often regarded as having a sacred character and the reading of the Bible as in effect a sacramental act.
Catholic Church recognizes the sacrament of baptism as valid in all christian denominations.

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I'm Lutheran and our understanding of the two sacraments we recognize is that both were instituted for the forgiveness of sins.
This friendship with the Lord Jesus is found in the Word of God recognized as such by the Church in the Bible; in the sacraments; in works of charity and service; and in the fellowship of those who have recognized and embraced the risen one.
Baptism has long been recognized as the sacrament of equality (Gal.
The argument Megan references is that Quakers don't need sacraments because we recognize all of life is a sacrament.
As we discuss the sacraments let us recognize that the language of the Church has sacramental character.
This is true even in the churches which give little or no emphasis to baptism, the Lord's Supper, or the other five sacraments recognized in Catholicism: confirmation, penance, marriage, extreme unction, and, for priests, ordination.
Lyle Schaller writes about the importance of recognizing certain ministerial tasks as «winners» and others as «losers» in The Multiple Staff and the Larger Church, «Winners» are the tasks that lead people to sign up for ordained ministry: preaching, presiding over sacraments, being present at key life transitions such as weddings and funerals — in other words, the prominent, visible and generally rewarding parts of ministry.
Michael, you are touching upon two of the four sacraments Catholics recognize that may be received more than once - the anointing sick and confession, both of which are administered by a priest.
As a Baptist I only recognize two sacraments — baptism and communion — but I'm firmly against having either of them administered by smartphone (immersion baptism and iPhones definitely don't mix).
Protestant churches recognize two sacraments which they claim were ordained by Christ himself: baptism and Holy Communion.
And in an Indian situation where baptism is the legal mark of change of one religious community to another, each with its own civil codes recognized by the Courts, communalisation of church life is imposed by Law and perverts the meaning of baptism as sacrament of faith.
The church was recognized as an agent of mission and the sacrament of the Kingdom.
More recognized that some of Luther's complaints were just, but an entirely different threat to the faith came when Luther went further and questioned the validity of sacraments and later developed his doctrine of justification by faith alone.
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