Sentences with phrase «recognizing facts does»

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High A: Let them call the shots; don't interrupt High B: Develop a relationship; recognize their status High C: Avoid pressure; stress reliability High D: Stress quality; respond with facts
While it's difficult to find out what Disney's signature actually looked like — there were a lot of people authorized to sign his name — the logo that we recognize as the Disney logo, in fact, didn't exist until well after his death, as it first appeared in 1984.
In fact, decades down the road from that first stock, he's surprised more people don't recognize the wisdom in investing early and often, rather than trying to time the market and take advantage of fluctuations.
In fact, even the word «ecommerce» feels a bit antiquated, because it fails to recognize the magnitude to which mobile commerce is increasingly dominating everything else that we do.
The fact that the bankruptcy judge does not recognize this is an important point against them.
The commodity markets themselves offer traders massive leverage in their speculation but too many traders fail to recognize the simple fact that they don't have to use the leverage.
It is important to understand how debt payments are managed in order to recognize that whether or not China's debt burden is socialized has very little to do with the resolution of China's debt burden (aside from the fact that it never was «off» the government balance sheet in any meaningful way), just as analysts must recognize that an unsustainable increase in debt is embedded into China's current growth model, and is not an accidental bit of bad luck.
According to the budget documents, the federal government stated that it doesn't recognize bitcoin as a legitimate currency, but it does address the fact that the digital currency is growing in popularity and usage.
if you don't recognize that fact, and deny your own soul, there is only part of you alive, while other is dead, unless you allow Christ Jesus to make you alive in Him.
The AA point of view, as set forth in the recognized literature of the movement, does not take full cognizance of the fact that personality factors such as selfishness, resentment, and hostility, which are controlled through the AA program, are actually symptoms of deeper problems of inadequacy, insecurity, and inner conflict.
To the best of my understanding, the deposit of faith clearly affirms the following: that God desires the salvation of all and offers the real possibility of salvation to all; the offer can be accepted or rejected and, if accepted by faith, such faith is recognized as the gift of God; if the offer is knowingly, freely, and definitively rejected, even at the very last moment of life, one goes to hell, which is eternal; but the deposit of faith does not tell us clearly that anyone is in fact eternally damned.
Facts: This God didn't know how the universe was actually created, it didn't recognize any physical feature of the universe or form of life unknown to humans at the time (no galaxies, no microorganisms, etc.).
In fact, they still feel JoePa was wronged and refuse to recognize that had he done the right thing and gone to police, some of those children would never have been victimized in the first place.
If we examine Marx's critique carefully, we will recognize that its most important argument is the fact that Christianity during its almost two thousand years of existence, has failed to do away with poverty, servitude, wars and social disorder.
Since you do not recognize these facts, you are stuck thinking like a child and basically planting a flag of victory over pointing out that «bananas are yellow therefore yellow crayons must taste like fruit».
End Religion summed him perfectly with these lines:... «Since you do not recognize these facts, you are stuck thinking like a child and basically planting a flag of victory over pointing out that», bananas are yellow therefore yellow crayons must taste like fruit»»...
Of course, religious pacifists recognize that it is not enough to point out that the massive military campaign currently under way will not work, and in fact will do more harm than good.
To have it recognized that we are sexual selves, related in freedom to our ends, with depths to plumb, powers to be used and developed, and that we (all) can do these things in the course of everyday life is in fact a giant moral leap forward.
This does not mean that the interpreter must become a metaphysician in the sense of making metaphysical judgments — although, at some point these become unavoidable and are in fact implicitly at work from the beginning, as in all thought — but rather that he or she is responsible for recognizing the metaphysical question which the thrust of the text implies.
Late medieval Christianity needed a Martin Luther, and unfortunately did not recognize the fact.
But once they have examined the models» poses, the contexts in which the models appear and the overall format of the magazine, they recognize that pornography does in fact degrade women, that it invariably shows women and not men in positions of submission and weakness.
What is not usually recognized is that even if some such persistence of the mind or soul does take place, there is no reason for thinking that this will be an enduring fact.
As Wolterstorff recognizes, «the fact that Jesus never ran for political office does not become an objection to running for political office, any more than the fact that he never heard a piano concerto becomes an objection to listening to piano concertos.
I don't have to be religious to recognize a very clear fact.
Increasing equality can, in fact, be done in an entirely Capitalist country, but these dimwits wouldn't recognize true Marxism if it bit them on the bums.
They want «ordinary» folks — not overeducated eggheads who think so abstractly that they don't recognize a plain simple fact on the one hand, or don't respond to emotional appeals on the other.
Does Lie4ever not recognize the fact that women are independent and capable of earning a living?
The fact that some good may have come out of the first World War does not alter the other present fact that the war was evil and that it is still recognized as evil because it involved elements of mutual obstructiveness.
Merely recognizing the fact that man is alienated from himself does no good as long as man is not emancipated from the underlying causes of alienation found in the economic order.
Even many of those within the faith no longer recognize the whole Bible as authoritative (and even those inerrantists who claim to do this do not do it in fact).
In fact, if you do not recognize the authority of the words of Jesus in your life, then maybe we can't have a meaningful discussion anyway.
More than this, he was sensitive to the fact that the writing of philosophy's history can be at once technically competent and narrow He praised the «philosophical greatness achieved in American philosophy, from Peirce to Santayana, but he complained of the cultural chauvinism in failing to recognize it.5 According to Hartshorne, «One might about as easily reach great heights in philosophy without benefit of the work done in modern America as to reach them in physics without using the work of modern Germans» (Creativity 11).
Early Pentecostal patriarch Howard Goss recognized that Pentecostals were doing something very different with their music and that this fact was key to the movement's growth.
Reason alone points to one God (one Prime Mover that started it all in motion — that's a fact) and you're lying to your inner self if you don't recognize that.
On the other hand, it does mean that Niebuhr the analyst and the existential man recognized that all of the facts involve a dialectical statement of the self's inevitable self - assertion and its consequent responsibility.
And it is obvious that one can not recognize this fact about the Gospels without acknowledging a priori that they do more (or less) than bring us a «plain, unvarnished» account of the mere facts of Jesus» career.
As a matter of fact some sectarian groups make, practically, much greater use of non-sruti literature, as the basis for present belief and practice than they do of the recognized sruti writings.
We don't always recognize it happening... sometimes we see after the fact: «Hey!
In point of fact, his travels did carry him into the land of the Lost Cause, although I am not sure that he recognized it.
Free, you do not recognize His presence so you rely on facts.
But when we go beyond this and take our own religious experience into account, as we must inevitably do, are we not forced, even against our will perhaps, to acknowledge not only that we recognize the fact that God is known in a distinctive way within the Christian community, but also that we have trusted ourselves to God as thus known; that God - as - thus - known is our God?
I have insisted, therefore, that this first step toward an ecumenical theology all Christians can take together and that there is a sense in which we do in fact take it together, whether we recognize that we do or not.
I would insist, however, that the estimate is true even for those who do not recognize its truth; that the acceptance, even if not the acknowledgment, of the Lordship of Christ is implicit in the fact of membership in the Christian community; that Christ actually has for all of us the importance I have indicated, whether we know it or not.
The fact that you don't recognize your own behavior doesn't negate that you are, and an unrepentant one at that.
It does not take much introspection to understand this, to see it for oneself, to recognize the horrible fact that man is not well.
For our part, we recognize the plain fact — that man does worship.
Perhaps sufficient will have been said if I point out that process thought is based upon wide generalizations made from those experiences of fact, and those facts of experience, which demonstrate to us the dynamic, active, on - going «creative advance» of the world; and which, in recognizing and accepting the patent reality of such a world, sees man as part of it sharing in that movement, and a principle of ordering and direction, which may properly be called God, explaining why and how the advance goes on as it does.
(It was only when church leaders began to recognize that such education was in fact not being done in the homes that «Sunday schools» were born — but that occurred much later in Christian history.)
All we have to do is recognize the fact that we ask questions such as «is this or that really the case?»
Fortunately, I recognize the fact that my dreams have less to do with God attempting to communicate His plans to me and more to do with the pepperoni pizza I had for dinner.
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