Sentences with phrase «recommend further studies»

In the future, we would recommend further studies to further explore the impacts of the program on the welfare of community dogs and the possibility of implementing this program in other regions facing issues with free roaming dogs.
The authors recommend further studies which may improve the maternal caffeine exposure assessment by acquiring additional information regarding the timing and amount of change in caffeine consumption after pregnancy recognition.
«Mandate relief has been a buzzword for close to 20 years, yet the report recommends further study in many areas, or offers platitudes such as «no more unfunded mandates» and «more cost studies»,» said Levy.
The report recommends further study, barring anti-steering language and allowing insurers to create tiered networks, a move that could give insurers more power to tie price to quality.
Researchers recommend further study that will also investigate economic factors.
Some studies have shown that saw palmetto can bring relief, but according to the NIH, there is evidence that this popular herb is no better than a placebo in relieving the signs of enlarged prostate, and the agency recommends further study.
Homework and recommended further study are provided at every meeting.
The researchers recommend further study:

Not exact matches

Here, however, are those that can be boiled down for entrepreneurs, along with several case studies (purchase required) that Chisa recommends if you want to do further reading.
That suggests that while some credits are likely to be eliminated in the budget, more complicated tax changes could be recommended for further study and consultation.
And considering how very wrong the religious have been previously with «diagnosing» demonic possession, it seems altogether a bad idea to encourage this practice rather than recommending the 20 % to further medical study.
It will also recommend that the annual Edinburgh assembly, which started last weekend, authorise a further study on the legal implications of conducting same - sex marriages and report back in 2018.
Are there any books or resources you recommend for studying this further?
Hi Isabela, I am in the middle of studying Naturopathic Nutrition at CNM in London, it's been really interesting so far and I would really recommend it!
Of note is that we don't know the effect or possible effect of BPA in infant milk at this time, but studies that have found that BPA leaches from bottles into milk recommend further evaluation.
The panel recommends that the further use of implants be limited for reconstruction only and that women receiving the implants participate in scientific protocols and that epidemiologic studies be conducted to assess the risk of autoimmune disease.
In one study, an increased risk of gestational diabetes did seem to be apparent, but the doctors involved recommended that further testing be conducted.
They need to wait for the results of large studies — and wait further until they are reproduced — before recommending breastfeeding for every mother and every baby.
A further report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies, also funded by the RAC Foundation, published in May 2012, said the economic rationale for road pricing was «compelling» and recommended a move to a widespread system of road pricing.
Though the study recommends further examination of bridges and bridge / tunnel combinations, Cuomo last week embraced only tunnels.
State and federal transportation officials have recommended six options for further study; none of those options includes a tunnel.
Although the results are encouraging, the authors report limitations to their study and recommend additional investigations related to these and other mTBI biomarkers in blood that will further clarify their utility in clinical management.
The project evaluated the scientific underpinnings the forensic community relies on to support their practices and, where these fall short, recommended areas requiring further study.
The matter was bucked back for further study to the National Academy of Sciences, which had recommended the reductions.
«The impaired heart rate response has been considered a hindrance for more demanding high - intensity training, but this new study documents that stable heart transplant recipients benefit from this type of training more than from the moderate training that has been recommended so far.
She has looked for ways to spread NIH's money further at a time when success rates are at record lows and co-chaired a study of the biomedical workforce that recommended stronger mentoring for young scientists and training for alternative careers.
Physicians have recommended vitamin D supplements to their patients for a decade, with good reason: dozens of studies have shown a correlation between high intake of vitamin D — far higher than most people would get in a typical diet and from exposure to the sun — and lower rates of chronic diseases, such as cancer and type 1 diabetes.
Studies coming out in April show that Americans are falling far short of the recommended daily five servings of fruits and vegetables.
We are not recommending that all patients with these devices be on blood thinners but clearly further studies need to be done to define best medication regimens.»
The research team highly recommends conducting further studies and intends to analyze even older plant resins.
«Air quality in the U.S. has benefitted from more protective federal standards in response to evidence from health studies, and there are likely further benefits to be gained by standards even lower than those now recommended by the ATS,» said ATS President Marc Moss, MD, who is Roger S. Mitchell Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
For further study of public sector projects (like the human - caused global warming project), I highly recommend reading Nevil Shute's first - hand account in the 1930's of the competition between private enterprise and government to build a rigid airship (blimp).
Further studies of the Cyclin D1 protein on different cancer tissues are recommended.
To further maximize accuracy, the researchers recommend that future studies involving stem cells use cell lines from as many individuals as possible rather than generating multiple cell lines from the same individual.
In order to further support collaboration between patient advocacy organizations and industry in the context of drug development, a study published in the Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases describes recommended best practices and standards to support such collaborations.
The report recommends the 8 - meter monolithic space telescope, Solar Probe 2, Interstellar Probe, solar polar imager, and Neptune Orbiter with probes for further study for the Constellation System.
Further studies in which people are randomly assigned to exercise beyond the recommended amount and at the recommended level need to be done.
It did not, however, recommend consumers stop eating it and said further study was needed to assess the level of risk.
The study also recommended further investigation into fluoride's impact on thyroid and brain health.
Further, the study found that the risk of heart disease did not go up until salt intake went above 6.5 g per day, which is almost three times higher than the daily amount recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA), which is 2.3 g per day.
Overall, there is insufficient evidence to recommend n — 3 fatty acid supplementation for the purposes of cardiovascular protection; however, ongoing studies such as the Alpha Omega Trial may provide further information.
Studies have found that a majority of Americans eat far less than the recommended daily amount of choline.
However, further studies are needed to confirm these preliminary results before holy basil can be recommended for liver benefits in humans.
In the studies they do not recommend this treatment for thyroid cancer patients or for patients with thyroid nodules (these have not been tested as far as I could find).
As far as brushing goes, by all means, do it when you feel like it... we recommend using a Bass brush (or) a chewing stick just like our early ancestors did which shows parallel, or even greater efficacy, as compared to standard brushing (see study).
Whereas the few randomized controlled trials and observational clinical outcomes studies support the existence of a health benefit from fasting, substantial further research in humans is needed before the use of fasting as a health intervention can be recommended.
Recommended for International Curriculum for Africa and lays the foundation for further study in Geography, e.g. CIE examinations.
In the future, we would recommend asking students if they're planning to do further study in a STEM field or work in a STEM career and, if there answer is yes, what influence the peer mentoring program had on their decision.
The app is an effective communication tool between teachers and pupils; allowing teachers to set differentiated homework tasks according to pupil ability, provide feedback on homework submitted online, as well as recommend links and resources for further home study.
IASBO recommends there be no further expansion of the Choice Scholarship program until this study has been completed
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