Sentences with phrase «recommend hemp protein powder»

I recommend hemp protein powder in your morning smoothie!

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Hi Ella, I live in North Wales and I am struggling to get flax seed, raw cocao and hemp protein powder, can you recommend anywhere on - line I could get them or alternative's I could use please?
Here's how to make a green smoothie of your own: 2 cups almond milk (soy or rice work well too) 1 frozen banana (remove the peel, cut into 1 - inch slices, and freeze in a plastic bag overnight) 1 cup of frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and / or blackberries, etc) 1 Tbs flax seeds 1 scoop rice protein powder (soy or hemp work well) Greens: spinach has the mildest flavor and for a beginner, I would recommend starting with 1/2 cup.
Ingredients: 2 cups nondairy milk 1 frozen banana (remove the peel, cut into 1 - inch slices, and freeze in a plastic bag overnight) 1 cup of frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and / or blackberries, etc) 1 scoop rice protein powder (soy or hemp work well) Greens: spinach has the mildest flavor and for a beginner, I would recommend starting with 1/2 cup.
As part of recommending a new protein powder, I am trying everything - egg, whey, soy, hemp.
I would recommend hemp and pea protein powders added to smoothies as an excellent source of high quality, plant based protein.
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