Sentences with phrase «recommend watching your baby»

- Normally I recommend watching the baby and following his / her cues, rather than watching a clock, however during the holidays time can get away from us.
We always recommend watching your baby and not the clock.

Not exact matches

Sometimes healthcare providers get into the act, telling breastfeeding mothers they should watch the clock to make sure their baby breastfeeds «long enough to get the hindmilk,» with the number of minutes recommended varying by adviserWhat do we really need to know about foremilk and hindmilk?
Dr. Sears recommends parents watch for these specific indications baby is ready to ditch the size ones (or twos and threes) and move on up in the diaper world.
The AAP recommends watching for the following signs your baby is ready:
Remember that the AAP recommends that parents talk, sing, and read to their babies, instead of letting them watch TV.
I don't recommend trying to watch TV or play video games while nursing (though I did beat FFXII with my oldest), because there's too much temptation to continue the feeding «just to the end of this show / level» long after the baby has stopped eating.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends watching for the following early signs or cues by which your baby lets you know when she's hungry.
Pediatricians recommend watching for this cue and not waiting to feed a baby until the wailing sets in.
Although a few minutes of watching an educational video probably won't hurt your baby, the Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting to turn on the tube until your child is at least 2 years old.
While we highlighted a few of the traditional, noteworthy «first steps» an infant takes while growing into a toddler, we recommend also watching for the smaller strides your baby will make before the literal leaps and bounds you'll witness in the near future.
We recommend not to time feedings but rather feed on cue and watch for when your baby acts full and stops feeding on their own.
We recommend watching his DVD, The Happiest Baby on the Block during the last two weeks of pregnancy and again in the first few weeks of the baby's lBaby on the Block during the last two weeks of pregnancy and again in the first few weeks of the baby's lbaby's life.
I highly recommend sugar babies watch out for a scammers
The fear of watching them take my baby into surgery still brings tears to my eyes but money never had to weigh into my decision on giving him the best care recommended.
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