Sentences with phrase «recommended calorie intake»

A typical daily recommended calorie intake for a healthy adult is 2,000.
The nutrition plan that was made for you usually takes the exercise in consideration in the total recommended calorie intake.
This is far below recommended calorie intake for healthy adults.
Lastly, always calculate your calorie requirement according to your height, gender and age and do not go beyond recommended calorie intake.
There are details on how to work out your weight and body mass index to ensure you get the correct recommended calorie intake for your body.
To explore the potential interaction between pre-existing menu labeling and the addition of recommended calorie intake information, three groups of diners received different information: (1) recommended daily calorie intake; (2) recommended per - meal calorie intake; and (3) no additional information.
Carnegie Mellon University researchers recently put menu labels to the test by investigating whether providing diners with recommended calorie intake information along with the menu items caloric content would improve their food choices.
One egg roll packs about 20 grams of fat, an order or orange chicken has 1,500 calories (3/4 of your daily recommended calorie intake, and even tofu with mixed vegetables, a seemingly healthy choice, can have 900 calories and over 2,000 milligrams of sodium.
Nutrition bits Each tart is just over 150 kcals which is just under 10 % of a 5 year olds recommended calorie intake
According the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, «Wide variation existed in recommended calorie intake, kilocalories, and cost for diets marketed for weight loss in pets.
One egg roll packs about 20 grams of fat, an order or orange chicken has 1,500 calories (3/4 of your daily recommended calorie intake, and even tofu with mixed vegetables, a seemingly healthy choice, can have 900 calories and over 2,000 milligrams of sodium.
The study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, showed that recommended calorie intake information did not help consumers use menu labeling more effectively.
Each cake provides about 170 calories which is just over 10 % of the recommended calorie intake for a child aged between 4 - 6 years of age.
The easiest way to calculate your recommended calorie intake is by multiplying you current weight by 15 (if you are moderately active).
Twenty percent of study participants regularly ate a high - energy breakfast, providing more than 20 percent of the recommended calorie intake.
The 5:2 Diet will work only if you keep to your recommended calorie intake both on fast days and on regular days.
Once you have your recommended calorie intake, you can then figure out what the best ratio of carbohydrates, protein, and dietary fat would be to achieve your goal.
Before you start the program you will need to calculate your recommended calorie intake, which is based on your activity level and resting metabolic rate.
Between 8 to 13 percent of the recommended calorie intake is recommended as empty calories.
The amount to consume is based on the recommended calorie intake per day, which depends on gender and age.
Speak to your vet about your cat's ideal weight and recommended calorie intake.
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