Sentences with phrase «recommended soaking dates»

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As regular dates are slightly harder I would recommend soaking them for a little while before using them.
If you only find dried dates, I'd recommend that you soak them in water a few hours before you use them to get the right sticky consistency in the crust and a smooth texture in the filling.
if you do need to use other dates, I recommend making a thick paste with them — put them in a bowl with a bit of hot water to soften them up; soak for half hour in the hot water, drain (but not completely) them and then blend with 1 TBSP coconut oil; use this paste for the filling
almond milk 1 scoop protein powder of your choice (I used Amazing Grass protein chocolate powder) 1 pack acai, frozen (I recommend Tambor Acai) 1/2 avocado, frozen 1 banana, frozen 1 date, soaked Granola (optional) Raspberries (optional) Coconut shavings (optional) Almond butter (optional)
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