Sentences with phrase «recommending rule changes»

It also recommended a rule change that, if approved by the association's board of directors, would mandate the use of wooden bats at all levels of high school play beginning next school year.
The disparity was raised by the education select committee's report into academies, which recommended a rule change so that good and outstanding schools could leave by choice.

Not exact matches

The Competition Policy Review Panel last week delivered its long - awaited report on Canada's foreign investment practices, recommending changes to the country's ownership rules and stressing the need for Canadian companies to be more competitive abroad.
I noticed you put 20 % down and underwriters love this but seeing as times have changed would you recommend 20 % as the general rule of thumb or will you be willing to put down less?
QAI recommends our clients begin evaluating the impact on their operations and prepare to make the necessary changes when the final rule is published.
All of us involved in youth sports - from parents, to coaches, from athletic trainers to school athletic directors to the athletes themselves - have a responsibility to do what we can to make contact and collision sports safer, whether it by reducing the number of hits to the head a player receives over the course of a season (such as N.F.L. and the Ivy League are doing in limiting full - contact practices, and the Sports Legacy Institute recently proposed be considered at the youth and high school level in its Hit Count program), teaching football players how to tackle without using their head (as former pro football player Bobby Hosea has long advocated), changing the rules (as the governing body for high school hockey in Minnesota did in the aftermath of the Jack Jablonski injury or USA Hockey did in banning body checks at the Pee Wee level), or giving serious consideration to whether athletes below a certain age should be playing tackle football at all (as the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend).
The rule change follows guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence last year, recommending that all NHS hospitals and clinics become smoke - free.
The FAA's Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee has recommended more than 50 changes to safety rules, including weakening a law which requires pilots to reach 1500 training hours before obtaining a license to fly commercial passenger airliners.
Do they not need quorum for a rule change, or is the quorum for rule changes less than that for recommending confirmation?
In 1989, under a provision of New York's home rule law, Young appointed a 13 - member commission to review the city charter and recommend changes.
The procedure committee recommended that the rules controlling the process by which a Speaker is elected should be changed.
Cuomo's plan does not recommend changes to current collective bargaining laws with unions, rules that unions support.
They also recommend that budding immunologists follow four rules: study widely, change with the times, tackle the toughest questions, and keep your chin up — no matter what.
The report also recommends that the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, and organizations such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association support research to develop better age - specific recommendations and rules, and educate parents, coaches, and schools to help change the «culture of resistance» that surrounds concussion in many sports, according to the report.
In the comments organized by the Georgetown Climate Center, the nine states in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, as well as California, Illinois, Minnesota, Oregon and Washington, recommended keeping the two - part structure to the rule but making some changes.
UPDATE 18:00 3 June 2009: The UK Health Protection Agency has now changed its rules to recommend testing any patient with flu - like symptoms for swine flu, whether or not they have contacted people or countries with the virus, and especially between the ages of 5 and 44.
It recommended ways to improve K - 12 education, big changes in high - skill immigration rules, and the creation of 30,000 new scholarships to increase the number of scientists in the pipeline, among other measures.
I wanted to know if the recommend 10k oil change is a good rule of thumb to go by?
My Amazon sales are only a small part of my e-book sales strategy, and with the e-tail giant's ever - changing rules and policies which seem to result in ever - smaller author royalties, I recommend it be a small part of yours.
The new rules come following a study by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that found problems with credit reporting and recommended changes to help consumers.
I first wrote about the need to remove the barriers to non-control proxy contests some 19 years ago.1 The occasion then was to recommend a change in the bona fide nominee rule to allow a shareholder running a short slate to include the names of the company's nominees on the shareholder's proxy card.
Due to their complex nature, as well as the recent changes to the rules, it's recommended that you consult your tax or financial adviser if you have any questions as to whether an IPP is a viable retirement savings vehicle for you.
Because your circumstances or tax and other rules can change, we recommend you revisit this calculator on a regular basis (for example, each year).
The MBA has recommended 13 changes to the CFPB's qualified mortgage rule, including revising the process for determining a borrower's debt - to - income ratio to find ways for self - employed borrowers to qualify for credit.
Once other diseases such as kidney disease, diabetes, and urinary tract infection are ruled out, if characteristic changes to the bloodwork (increased liver values) are noted, then additional testing to confirm Cushing's Disease will be recommended.
Furthermore, the status of certain posts may change before the service closes (for example, a screenshot may be deleted for violating the rules), so Nintendo recommends you save your favorite pictures right away, regardless.
Because of rules that Mayor Bloomberg recommended and the Taxi & Limousine Commission voted on, our greenhouse gas emissions are going to be reduced by three quarters of a percent by changes to our yellow taxis and black car and limousines alone.
The phrase I've italicized is the same as the language that the ABA recommended in 2012 when it approved a change to the Model Rules of Professional Conduct to make clear that lawyers have a duty to be competent not only in the law and its practice, but also in technology.
The commission has recommended a number of changes to the rules and comments, addressing issues that range from client confidentiality to client development.
Because technology will continue to develop, and standards will emerge, it is important to ensure the Law Society keeps pace with these changes, and staff will play an important role in keeping the Benchers apprised of the potential need for amendments to the policies and rules recommended in this report.
This fact was recently underscored by Stephen Younger, an attorney who chaired a 2012 review of Model Rule 5.4 by the New York State Bar Association (a review that recommended to the ABA that the Rule not be changed): «Most chief judges who are responsible for the ethics rules in our states don't want to get too far ahead of the bar.»
In 2012, the Commission decided to not recommend to the House of Delegates any changes to Model Rule 5.4 because the case for such changes «had not been made.»
The Federation has established a Standing Committee on the Model Code of Professional Conduct, which monitors professional conduct developments and changes in the law and recommends improvements to the Model Code as law societies apply the rules.
Specifically, we recommend regulatory changes to the Oregon Rules of Professional Conduct to expressly allow:
The comment recommended that the rule be changed to eliminate such a punitive result.
Because the term «banking» may take on broader meaning in light of these changes, the commenter recommended modifying the proposed rule to state that disclosure of diagnostic and treatment information to banks along with payment information would constitute a violation of the rule.
We strongly recommend that you pay for a professional tax preparer or service when you're self - employed, because there are new forms and rules and the tax laws change frequently, and every person's tax situation is unique.
Please Note: Licensing Boards change regulations often, and while we attempt to stay abreast of their most recent changes, if you have questions or concerns about this course meeting your specific board's approval, we recommend you contact your board directly to obtain a ruling.
How can any Trade Association recommend, negotiate and lobby for legislative changes to government supported rules that protected their members from further attacks?
It was always our intention, as we told her, that we were going to recommend to our membership that we make those rule changes.
WASHINGTON — An influential committee that considers policies for multiple listing services has voted to recommend that the National Association of Realtors suspend until November a recent rule change that allows franchisors to index and display Internet Data Exchange (IDX) listings in markets where they have obtained permission to do so from their franchisees.
After hearing from franchisors and representatives of brokerages including HomeServices of America, NAR's Multiple Listing Issues and Policies Committee voted to recommend that the rule change — approved by the committee and NAR's board of directors last November — be suspended until NAR's annual meeting in November.
To monitor Canadian generally accepted accounting principles applicable to the real estate industry; to monitor U.S. and international accounting standards; to recommend changes when necessary to the REALPAC IFRS and ASPE Handbooks; and to monitor financial reporting rules and policies issued by security regulators in Canada and the U.S.
Johnston expects TREB's VOW policy will be approved by the end of August after TREB members are given a minimum 60 days to provide input on the MLS rule changes recommended by the task force.
A community bank, a trade association representing various mortgage professionals, and an individual consumer recommended that the final rule require a separate form to be provided to consumers documenting what changed from the initial Closing Disclosure.
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