Sentences with phrase «reconcile irreconcilable»

X was not the child who was the direct concern of the court; so, as the court said at the outset, they were asked to «reconcile the irreconcilable»: to protect the confidential report of a «vulnerable young woman», and also to ensure that legal disputes are dealt with on a fair and open basis.
If past is prologue, I expect that they will attempt to reconcile the irreconcilable with a variety of oxymorons and otherwise empty phrases.
Labour overreaches itself when it refers to these provisions in the bill as an omnishambles; the government could not have done much better while trying to modify complex marriage laws, to balance equality laws and religious freedom and at the same time to reconcile irreconcilable, opposing interests.
Another propaganda tool is the character of Squealer, a fat spokespig for the ruling class that is «charged with the task of reconciling the irreconcilable and parsing the absurdities of non sequitur pronouncements from the pigs» administration.»
At the time of his retrospective at the Whitechapel Gallery in London in 2004, he was even described as someone who «reconciles the irreconcilable», though his miracle - working may have been slightly exaggerated.
«I am interested in reconciling the irreconcilable, translating things that are not supposed to be communicated.»

Not exact matches

For another thing, when we have two propositions that appear on the surface to be irreconcilable the burden of proof is on those who would reconcile them.
There have been many attempts to work out the details of the events that led to belief in the resurrection of Christ, even to reconcile the patently irreconcilable details of the stories about the empty tomb.
Until and unless that happens, the Protestant Gospel and the Catholic gospel remain quintessentially different and irreconcilable, and conversation for the purpose of reconciling them is indeed pointless.
The problem most Christians and churches have with reconciling the «irreconcilable» issues is this very basic idea.
It is in metaphor that the apparently irreconcilable terms are reconciled, revealed in a peripety to be complementary in a meaningful new context that does not deny the validity of the prior context in which the constituent terms were located.
Transdisciplinary speaking, the bearing must be suffered long enough until the energy that can be supported by the system reaches its maximal possibility, and then the third state, the T state appears, reconciling in a principle of coexistence what has appeared before to be irreconcilable.
If your dispute can be reconciled, I will work to set up sustainable agreements and structures for your business, but if your situation is irreconcilable, the dissolution of your company may put more than just relationships with stakeholders, suppliers and customers at risk.
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