Sentences with phrase «record disclosure»

In North Carolina, state regulators exempt poultry CAFOs from public records disclosure, but earlier this year, environmental groups revealed there are about 3,900.
Currently, criminal record disclosure in England and Wales relies on self - reporting, and it's the genuinely contrite who would do it.
Letter calling on Univ. of Virginia to prevent inappropriate open records disclosure of climate scientists» exempt emails and documents [Union of Concerned Scientists, American Association of University Professors, American Geophysical Union, Climate Science Watch]
Early years education providers will be given advice on signs of abuse, mobile devices with photographic functionality will not be permitted in pre-school settings, and it will now be the responsibility of the early years setting to gain any criminal record disclosures on managers where previously this has been the responsibility of Ofsted.
Christopher Stacey, co-director of Unlock, said: «This report shines a spotlight on the sheer number of very old and minor criminal records being routinely and unnecessarily disclosed on standard and enhanced DBS checks, raising serious questions about the effectiveness of the criminal record disclosure regime and in particular the DBS filtering process.
A Divisional Court found that the requirement to disclose those convictions was in breach of Article 8 ECHR, in accordance with a series of other cases challenging the existing criminal records disclosure legislation: R (QSA) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2018] EWHC 407 (Admin).
Allows privately funded industrial hemp research to be conducted in Hawaii under certain conditions; requires monitoring by department of public safety; requires reporting to county law enforcement; exempts argonomic data derived from research from public records disclosure; confers immunity from criminal prosecution for the research.
The Court held that agencies settling civil claims are not immune from Open Records disclosure.
Christopher, who believes that as far as professional regulators go the FCA appears to have the most fair and balanced policy when dealing with criminal record issues, says candidates can check the FCA's factsheet if they are concerned about whether they would be deemed «fit and proper» following a criminal record disclosure.
However, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, de Blasio's bitterest political rival, told reporters that yesterday the record disclosure is not a state matter at all but «a decision for New York City.»
«Both traditional public school governing boards and charter school boards manage state taxpayer dollars to run educational programs for children, so the laws governing those boards, as it relates to open meeting, public records disclosure, and conflict of interest, should be the same.»
Allows privately funded industrial hemp research to be conducted in Hawaii under certain conditions; requires monitoring by department of public safety; requires reporting to county law enforcement; exempts agronomic data derived from research from public records disclosure; confers immunity from criminal prosecution for the research.
Allows private funded industrial hemp research to be conducted under certain conditions; requires monitoring by the DPS; requires reporting to the respective county law enforcement; exempts agronomic data derived from research from public records disclosure; confers immunity from criminal prosecution for the research.
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