Sentences with phrase «record of sorts»

Therefore, I will excuse the fact that you know nothing about my experience, my present or previous company, or my track record of any sort.
Theft is a coverage that requires you to keep records of some sort.
Having a written record of any sort supports this process.
Theft is a coverage that requires you to keep records of some sort.
Each year since then, the Show has set new records of some sort.
In that case, the story is an historical record of sorts, one that impressed the writer enough that he thought it should be written down for posterity.
Toyota has been to the Nurburgring in the Prius plug - in hybrid, setting a lap record of sorts.
But the Supreme Court of Canada also took an additional step — which it termed «exceptional» — and ordered a halt to all current and future proceedings against her, essentially allowing her to go free and build a future without being hampered by a criminal record of any sort.
If you have an arrest record of any sort, and the charges were dropped, then check with the courts you dealt with to ensure the arrest or charge was expunged from your record.
SUMMARY 10 + years» unbeaten track record of sorting, carrying and delivering mail and letters.
As the year 2014 is yet to be over, Skoda has created a new record of sorts, as the car maker has manufactured and delivered 955,300 vehicles across the world,
The monetary policy meeting held on October 31 — November 1 created a record of sorts, as the benchmark bank rate rose for the first time in more than a decade.
The men's 1500m saw Ethiopia win their fourth gold in the 1500m and 3000m after Dibaba's women's double and there was another record of sorts — yet again the slowest ever world indoor 1500m final.
Jones then proceeded to give Obama credit on the passage of 26 key legislative measures - almost all of which had been pushed by other state senators for years - thus giving Obama a record of sorts to go with all that charisma.
«I've got a garage here, and I've driven it in my Viper ACR,» Gilles counters, adding something about how easy it is to drive the big V - 10 sports car quickly, and that he holds a track record of some sort.
We were live streaming for 16 hours straight with less than five minutes total downtime — that's got ta be a record of some sort!
Apple has a track record of sorting out digital media.
After all, there is no reason for Leia to appear to her unless she stole a recording of some sort.
But it doesn't stop there, it lets the backup system act as a recording of sorts.
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