Sentences with phrase «recovery after intense training»

HMB free acid minimized or eliminated losses in strength and power during this period and allowed for improved recovery after intense training.
High levels of cortisol can also result in poor recovery after intense training.
Shown to improve athletic performance and endurance, increase aerobic capacity and blood flow, and speed recovery after intense training.

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Functional overreaching is defined as intense training that leads to a period of decreased performance which results in full recovery after a rest period.
BCAA supplementation after exercise has been shown to cause faster recovery of muscle strength, and even more interestingly, the ability to slow down muscle breakdown even during intense training and «overreaching» (getting very close to overtraining).
By using bioactive peptides, you should notice a marked reduction in recovery time after bouts of intense exercise or weight - training.
Recovery Complex: Mix of amino acids (Leucine, Glutamine) which are known to minimize the breakdown of muscles after an intense bout of training or general exercise.
See how research on foam rolling after an intense strength training session aided in reducing DOMS and improving exercise recovery.
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