Sentences with phrase «recovery home»

When working as a residential counselor for troubled youth at an adolescent recovery home, she witnessed firsthand some of the unfortunate circumstances that result from children growing up in broken environments.
* TFP has conducted this program at several recovery homes in Massachusetts including Link House, Hope House, and at the Resource and Reclamation Center.
Theresa, who works as an administrator at Victory Outreach Manchester - a church which operates recovery homes for those affected by alcoholism - told Premier: «Even within our own circles, whether it's in work or church, we need to be training people that these guidelines are actually quite stringent.»
Service might look like leading Bible study at a local recovery home, playing sports with neighbors, or teaching ESL class.
Collins stars as a 20 - year old battling severe anorexia and who goes into an group recovery home in a journey of self - discovery that's sometimes scary and sometimes funny when it comes to seeing if life's worth living.
One of MTN's core members is Fernandes's MBS, which operates an HIV ministry, literacy programs, a daycare, and a recovery home.
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