Sentences with phrase «recurrent urinary»

Even after a thorough diagnostic workup, there are cases in which veterinarians are unable to figure out why a pet has recurrent urinary tract infections.
If, for example, your pet has a recurrent urinary tract infection or one that she can't get rid of, along with one or two other symptoms — perhaps thinning skin or a developing pot bellied appearance, you should ask your veterinarian about Cushing's disease as a possible cause.
Recurrent urinary tract infections, crystals in urine, obstructions of the urinary tract and urinary stone formation are common issues in cats and dogs.
Diagnosing and Managing Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (Proceedings).
Round after round of antibiotics is not the best long - term solution to preventing recurrent urinary tract problems.
Final Words: Recurrent urinary issues are one of the most common health and behavioral problems among cats.
Depending on the disorder, clinical signs may include tenesmus during defecation, intermittent hematuria, recurrent urinary tract infections, and caudal abdominal discomfort.
There are a number of causes and risk factors that may contribute to their development; eg: the oversaturation of stone - forming materials in the dog's urine or increased levels of calcium in the urine and blood, and diets that produce high pH (alkaline) urine, and recurrent urinary tract infections.
The most common cause of recurrent urinary tract infections in pets is inadequate length of appropriate antimicrobial therapy when treating initial infections.
Parsley Piert is traditionally used for the treatment of kidney function, bladder stones, cystitis, and recurrent urinary infections.
Effectiveness of a Combination of Cranberries, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and Vitamin C for the Management of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Women: Results of a Pilot Study.
In fact, «studies have shown that local instillation of lactobacilli resulted in marked inhibition of Escherichia coli growth, as well as a reduction in both the severity of inflammation and the risk of recurrent urinary tract infection.
Use of d - mannose in prophylaxis of recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women.
Are high proanthocyanidins key to cranberry efficacy in the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection.
Women who have a history of breast or uterine cancer and women who are at risk of recurrent urinary tract infections and vaginal infections, as well as women with atherosclerosis, hypertension, varicose veins and diabetes need to stay away from synthetic hormones.
Bladder stones were less frequent and tended to be more noticeable in men due to prostatic obstructions, while women had a higher frequency of infection stones as a result of recurrent urinary tract infections.
Their work has demonstrated that this compound prevents the prescription of antibiotics in the prophylaxis for recurrent urinary tract infections in infants with vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), so preventing the risk of increasing the bacterial antibiotic resistance.
The research involved the participation of 85 children under one year of age and 107 over that age, all of them affected by a recurrent urinary infection.
The woman had a history of alcohol abuse and recurrent urinary tract infections.
If your child has been referred to the urology program at SickKids for dysfunctional voiding (including recurrent urinary tract infections, incontinence, urinary frequency, or urinary urgency) and bladder retraining has been suggested, please:
Virtually all the problems I see daily — bedwetting, pee and poop accidents, recurrent urinary tract infections — stem from my patients» potty - training days.

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A new study at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has uncovered a trigger of recurrent UTI infections: a type of vaginal bacteria that moves into the urinary tract.
«We don't doubt that re-infection with E. coli is partly responsible, but we think we've found another pretty compelling reason why the connection between sexual activity and recurrent UTI might exist: Vaginal bacteria like G. vaginalis are moved into the urinary tract during sex.»
Due to its high levels of various nutrients and potential ability to help support the body's natural detoxification systems, dandelion is often used by those with hormone imbalance, urinary infection and recurrent mastitis.
A beneficial juice for individuals prone to recurrent kidney stones is cranberry juice, which has been shown to reduce the amount of ionized calcium in urine by about 50 percent in patients with kidney stones (high urinary calcium levels greatly increase the risk of developing a kidney stone).
Cranberry concentrate reduces the incidence of recurrent UTIs because it prevents pathogenic bacteria like E. coli from adhering to a surface along the urinary tract.
Because your Honey Girl is having recurrent cat urinary tract infections, this is certainly a sign that her cat hyperthyroidism is not well maintained.
Best, Rick Dear Rick, The reason your cat gets recurrent feline urinary tract infections is because cats with feline hyperthyroidism have very dilute urine (practically the consistancy water).
Some pets do not show signs until they are older, when they develop urinary problems such as recurrent kidney or bladder infections or stones.
If urinary tract infections become a recurrent problem, your veterinarian will need to look for an underlying cause.
Purpose: Recurrent (more than 3 per year) urinary tract infections (UTI) are problematic for dogs and continual administration of antimicrobial therapy could lead to bacteria becoming resistant.
More and more of my feline patients were on one or more prescription drugs and / or diets to try to help them with the diseases I encountered day - to - day in feline practice: recurrent bladder (lower urinary) problems, obesity, diabetes, chronic vomiting and / or diarrhea, chronic constipation, asthma, skin and ear problems, to name a few.
Other possible signs include poor skin and hair condition, muscle atrophy, increased abdominal fat, enlarged liver, chronic or recurrent infections (especially skin or urinary), delayed wound healing, excessive panting, sodium retention (which can cause high blood pressure or exacerbate congestive heart failure, and occasionally diabetes.
Dogs who have bladder stones are prone to recurrent UTIs, pointing out the importance of getting a complete diagnosis whenever there is evidence of disease in the urinary tract.
In pets with recurrent or prolonged urinary tract infections, therapy with antibiotics may last for three to four weeks or even longer.
Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and mouth (stomatitis) and chronic or recurrent infections of the skin, eyes, urinary bladder, and upper respiratory tract are often present.
When urinary blockage becomes recurrent in a male cat, it becomes imperitive to consider surgical reconstruction of the genitalia to create a more female - like opening.
It is important to treat your pet's bladder stones to prevent recurrent, uncomfortable symptoms and urinary tract obstruction.
Straining to urinate: Straining to urinate and blood in the urine usually indicate a common urinary tract infection; if the straining and bleeding are not rapidly controlled with antibiotics or are recurrent, cancer of the bladder may be the underlying cause.
Dogs with cystinuria often have recurrent inflammation of the urinary tract and if not treated, urinary stones can cause urinary tract infections, kidney failure and even death.
Recurrent infections of the skin, urinary bladder, and kidney are noted.
So if your dog has problems with urinary incontinence, recurrent bladder infection or UTIs, or if your dog has had a urinary tract blockage, you need to learn more about these conditions.
In pets with recurrent or persistent infections, additional testing may be done, including urine culture, X-rays, and ultrasound to evaluate for other diseases like urinary tract stones, polyps, or tumors.
Urolithiasis is a frequent cause of recurrent signs of lower urinary tract inflammation in dogs and cats of any age while neoplasia of the bladder, urethra or prostate is often the underlying problem in older dogs.
Side effects that have been associated with transvaginal mesh include severe pain, vaginal mesh erosion, infection, urinary problems, pain during sex or recurrent prolapse.
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