Sentences with phrase «red scaly»

Seahorses are anthropomorphic seahorse monsters, with the purple, white and red scaly skin with arms and legs.
A Monster Hunter version of the PlayStation 4 Pro was unveiled, with a red scaly console to go along with a dinosaur red DualShock 4.
Her entire body was covered with large, red scaly spots.
Overuse can cause flaking, redness, and burning, not to mention retinoid dermatitis, which manifests as red scaly patches which sting and burn.
This skin complaint produces raised, red, silvery or red scaly patches and can appear as patches affecting the entire scalp, or can be confined to only the areas including the forehead, back of the neck or around or behind the ears.
Last year I stared noticing embarrassing little red scaly itchy patches of skin on my hands.

Not exact matches

When people think about crashes, they tend to think about an event — as if some massive, grotesque, red, scaly, fire - breathing, razor - toothed catalyst should be obvious beforehand.
my skin is sooooooo dry, and I'm getting red, scaly patches on my legs.
«If the food is repeatedly eaten, the skin may become chronically red, itchy, dry and scaly
In order to know if what you are seeing is a fungal infection, look for deep red (often scaly) patches with well - defined borders.
Eczema is a skin rash that shows up as dry, thickened, scaly skin, or tiny red bumps that can blister, ooze, or become infected.
These might be harmless, but could also be symptoms of Paget's uncommon type of breast cancer which begins in the nipples with a scaly, red rash.
Diaper rash is a common condition that can make a baby's skin sore, red, scaly, and tender.
It causes red, scaly, waxy patches that eventually go away without treatment.
Some babies will have skin problems from milk allergies, such as red patches, dry skin or skin that appears scaly.
Your nipples may look shiny, red, or scaly though they may look completely normal.
Psoriasis is a long - lasting inflammatory skin disease characterized by red, itchy, and scaly patches of skin.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease characterized by well - demarcated areas of red, raised and scaly skin next to areas of normal - appearing skin.
Dry, scaly, red, and itchy patches can appear on the face, scalp, hands, or feet; inside the elbows; or behind the knees.
Eczema typically produces a red, itchy, scaly rash, but exact symptoms can differ from person to person.
Small, teardrop - shaped red spots or scaly plaques on the arms, legs, trunk, or scalp are signs of guttate psoriasis.
Sometimes red, scaly plaques pop up on the face, particularly the eyebrows, forehead, hairline, and the area between the nose and upper lip.
When it affects the scalp (tinea capitis), ringworm can cause scaly, red bald spots.
More than 7 million Americans have psoriasis, the autoimmune disease that causes thick, red, scaly patches on the skin.
Says Dr. Lipner: «In this case, the skin will have a rash that looks more linear, rather than red, scaly patches.»
If the skin gets red, scaly, thick, pitted, ridged, or bumpy, ask your physician to take a look at your chest.
People with Paget disease may notice the nipple and areola becoming scaly, red, or itchy.
(HealthDay News)-- Scaly red patches of skin on baby's scalp are commonly called cradle cap.
«The skin can not maintain hydration and becomes inflamed, leading to characteristic red, scaly rashes as well as significant itch.»
People don't understand that the red, scaly skin patches are due to an autoimmune condition.
Eczema symptoms include scaly, red and itchy patches of skin that can also be painful.
Many of my psoriasis patients have tried just about every kind of skin product on the market to keep their itchy, red and scaly skin under control, some products giving little to no success, others with amazing results.
Many of my psoriasis patients have tried just about every kind of skin product on the market to keep their itchy, red and scaly... Read More →
Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory type of arthritis associated with psoriasis (a skin condition characterized by red, patchy, raised or scaly areas).
It makes sense to change your diet as soon as possible if you have psoriasis, or more likely as soon as you've had enough of the itchy, scaly red skin that always seems to irritate you either by the symptoms felt on a daily basis, like showering for some, or with the unsightly lesions you would rather be rid of.
It is most unfortunate that some people who actually have pre existing psoriasis may face a Catch - 22 situation, when a drug they take for another condition may cause their red, scaly or itchy rashes to get far worse, or may even bring on a case of psoriasis for the very first time.
One of my patients who suffered from eczema; a weeping, red, oozing, scaly, itchy rash all over her body, is a perfect example of someone who saw doctor after doctor, who was given salves, lotions and potions, steroids and antibiotics and never addressed the underlying cause of her problem.
Silver white scaly patches and red inflamed lesions are common signs of psoriasis.
Eczema is a red, scaly, itchy rash that appears on the skin of both adults and children.
It's classically a red itchy, scaly rash.
The symptoms often shows up as red, itchy rashes on your arms and legs, and can sometimes cause open sores or resemble scaly skin.
My skin gets rather parched over Winter and I'm prone to scaly patches on my legs, knees and elbows which are easy to ignore when you can cover them in 3 layers every day, but become a big flashing red light to me as the temperatures slowly begin to creep into double figures.
Hamsters with red or scaly skin may need medical attention.
My Cockapoo's skin is sufficiently scaly all over and has some scattered red patches mostly around the groin area.
Demodectic mange begins as an itchy, red rash with scaly, bald spots around your dog's face, especially his eyes and mouth.
Demodectic Mange, or demodicosis, a disorder in which mites (which would otherwise be harmless), passed from the mother to the puppies with weak immune systems, cause hair loss and red, scaly skin.
Red, scaly spots that feel warm to the touch, also known as hot spots, are common skin conditions that should be treated promptly.
Mites prefer hairless skin and thus the ear flaps, elbows and abdomen are at highest risk for the red, scaly itchy skin that characterizes sarcoptic mange.
A round pattern of baldness appears, and the skin in the center is typically scaly, crusting, or reddish and is surrounded by a red ring of skin lesions.
• Symptoms: i. First degree: Pale, hard skin at the extremities that turns scaly, red and swollen when warmed.
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