Sentences with phrase «red splotches»

"Red splotches" refers to patches or spots that are colored red. Full definition
My 3 month old is prone to getting dry red splotches on mis limbs, chest and back area.
A seasonal wildfire outlook from the National Interagency Fire Center shows a big red splotch across Alaska for the month of August — a forecast of areas where conditions would be favorable for increased wildfire activity.
And if you look at the way Diebenkorn animated his composition with red splotches in the middle of the black field, it's easy to see a connection to Matisse's fish, even if the splotches aren't meant to be actual fish.
It consists of multiple red splotches with yellowish - white bumps in the center, and goes away within a week or so.
I get red splotches and have to wash it off immediately.
Days later, there are painful red splotches everywhere on your baby's skin.
The rash is a roughly circular red splotch that gradually grows bigger over time.
My face would break out randomly into red splotches and I would get short of breath.
This is why we encounter albino deer, a crocodile with huge red splotches, and what looks like a bear attacking the team from the darkness.
Pulling their style from a distinctively 80's couture, the subjects feature electric pink lipstick, fire engine red splotches, zebra prints, and teased hair.
Hence, we predict that a species of gull will emerge that has two or even three red beak stripes instead of just a bigger red splotch.
Your baby may have a cone - shaped head if born vaginally, milia (tiny white bumps on the face), red splotches on her or his skin, stork bites (patches of deep - pink skin on the face and neck), a mongolian spot (bluish - green or gray birthmark on the lower back or bottom), genital swelling and / or vaginal discharge or blood spotting if you have a baby girl.
When the 48 minutes are over, red splotches have broken out on his face and his voice is a hoarse whisper.
This rash often consists of red splotches and bumps and can be foul - smelling as well.
That means there's hope that the big red splotch that dominates Charon's north pole can keep its evocative Lord of the Rings derived name: Mordor.
Red splotches on the skin may be a sign of contact dermatitis (an itchy rash triggered by an allergen, such as nickel, the metal found in some jewelry).
easily irritated, which means breakouts and red splotches are an all - too - often occurrence.
Oily skin is so easily irritated, which means breakouts and red splotches are an all - too - often occurrence.
It's light, but definitely lessens my under eye bags or red splotches — without drying me out like a lot of mainstream concealers.
Red splotches on the skin may be a sign of contact dermatitis (an itchy rash triggered by an allergen, such as nickel, the metal found in some jewelry).
A red splotch just kind of appears and then floats in the air for a second before it falls to the mat and disappears completely.
This is not even close to a new finding, but the new study shows more precisely where most of the heat has been going since 2006 (in the Southern Ocean outside the tropics; see the red splotches in the map below).
Temperature departures from average on Feb. 26, 2018, showing the red splotch of warmth across the Arctic.
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