Sentences with phrase «red stalks»

The phrase "red stalks" refers to plant stems or stems of certain vegetables that are colored red instead of the usual green or brown. Full definition
To buy the best rhubarb, choose the really red stalks.
Seeing long, red stalks of rhubarb at the market (or in a rhubarb patch if I'm lucky) gives me a mighty need for rhubarb orange compote!
Although stalks can range from pink to vibrantly red in color, the deeper red stalks tend to be slightly sweeter.
One little food fact I learned this year about rhubarb — this long pinkish - red stalk of goodness is actually a vegetable and not a fruit.
Wondering what to do with those red stalks of rhubarb that you're seeing in your grocery store or farmer's market?
4 cups chopped rhubarb (the redder the stalks, the prettier it will be when cooked — although green rhubarb tastes just as good!)
Seek out organic rhubarb with the reddest stalks, which will likely be more flavorful.
Will I ever get to experience slicing into the red stalk and tasting it's cutting bite?
Rhubarb looks like celery, but it generally has red stalks and green leaves attached — the leaves are toxic, so be sure to discard them.
Rhubarb is a tart and tangy summer staple in cooler prairie states like North Dakota; it's usually picked in June, before its red stalks become stringy and tough.
Seek out organic rhubarb with the reddest stalks, which will likely be more flavorful.
Cut off the red ends of the greens and cook the red stalks separately.
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