Sentences with phrase «redemptive meaning»

The kerygma instead gives them radical, critical, and finally redemptive meaning.
But he also fastened on to the positive and redemptive meaning of suffering.
Indeed, can the Christian accept those triumphant words in the third part of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, where Zarathustra's animals speak ecstatically of the redemptive meaning of the symbol of Eternal Recurrence, as a portrait of such a new totality of bliss?
The portrayal of Messiah as victim threatens to sever the basic continuity we have wanted to maintain between suffering and redemption (or to use Christian imagery, between cross and resurrection) To have redemptive meaning, the cross must answer the victims who whirl here in torment, for, in the Holocaust, the world becomes Golgotha turned on itself, «one great mount of crucifixion, with thousands of severed Jewish heads strewn below like so many thieves» (Roskie, p. 268)
By «mythological» I refer to the suprahistorical elements in the story which came into being within the Christian community as the only possible way to express this transcendent and redemptive meaning of the event.
All the metaphors find a redemptive meaning in the suffering and death of the Christ, God's Son and Mediator.
This is the definition of love in its redemptive meaning,» wrote the Pope, «and we priests find ourselves particularly close to this redeeming love which the Son brought to the world - and which he brings continuously.»

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The cross in its redemptive aspect is not an isolated incident which befell a mythical personage, but an event whose meaning has «cosmic» importance.
For the historical event of the rise of the Easter faith means for us what it meant for the first disciples — namely, the self - attestation of the risen Lord, the act of God in which the redemptive event of the cross is completed.
I have never believed in «redemptive suffering» as a means of justifying either pain or God.
It means that the Christian Word becomes fully incarnate in the concrete actuality of human flesh, that it is present wherever that which has been becomes anew, or wherever the present seeks fulfillment in a redemptive and eschatological future.
A perusal of the Church of the Brethren Web pages provides clear evidence that a commitment to pacifism is not limited to denominational headquarters: the 48 churches of the Northern Indiana District Conference have joined to urge «the use of nonviolent approaches and interventions» in response to the terror; the Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, Church of the Brethren has adopted a statement in which they «remain committed to walk in the Jesus way of nonviolent love, in which evil can only be overcome with redemptive acts of love»; a group of Brethren Volunteer Service Workers have issued a statement in which they «advocate the use of nonviolent means to settle disputes» and «stand opposed to the increased drive toward militarization»; on October 7 members of local Brethren churches (along with Mennonites and others) organized a peace rally at the state capitol in Harrisburg, «Sowing Seeds of Peace: Prayers and Petitions for Nonviolent Action,» which attracted over 300 people.
The word Messiah, which means literally «anointed one,» points strictly, of course, to an individual; but in the psychology of Israel with its facile and often unconscious transitions from individual to corporate personality, we are hardly wrong in allowing a broader definition to the term Messianism, in which emphasis is placed upon the redemptive function of the human entity, whether group or individual.
I call films like this redemptive, meaning that something or someone was somehow saved from their poor condition.
This does mean, I admit, that Dillon — through the redemptive work of COACH — might have a marginal place for Riggins nobility.)
God may not give us answers to why we're still single, but that doesn't mean there isn't an amazing redemptive story in the making.
George Eldon Ladd of Fuller Seminary, an exponent of this view, writes,»... the New Testament for the most part does not foresee a millennial kingdom»; and again, «The New Testament nowhere expounds the theology of the millennium, that is, its purpose in God's redemptive plan» (in The Meaning of the Millennium, op.
For what does it mean that the declared redemptive power of human life comes to us in a narrative?
Then what is the meaning of Israel's election or of the redemptive significance of Jesus of Nazareth with respect to these hypothetical cosmological conjectures?
This just means in America * IF * one wishes to worship God, it is the Christian God, whose compound redemptive name is Lord Jesus Christ with prayers from a Christian Church.
Our chief aim in preaching must be to expose the meaning for redemptive history in all the narratives of the New Testament which are written from a mythological point of view.
It means finding God in all the experiences and relationships of our lives; in our «world making»; in creative occasions of giving birth to a child, to a painting, to a poem, to a sermon, in sustaining events of eating a meal, cleaning a house, recycling our refuse, providing jobs, maintaining friendships; in experiences of judgment because of our reliance upon destructive weapons, because of our loss of integrity; and in redemptive relationships wherein we experience forgiveness, renewal, and peace.
For example, such things as life adjustment counseling; community social action; marriage and family life education and counseling; social, religious, and therapeutic group experiences; and the after - care of patients by means of a supporting, redemptive fellowship contribute to positive mental health.
Today, that influence has splintered online, and just because you're not invited to an advance screening doesn't mean you don't have a role to play in promoting quality redemptive film and TV to the people around you.
To be a «kingdom of priests» means, in our understanding, to use temporal or state power, as a sovereign community in the land, as a means toward priestly, spiritual, redemptive ends.
Despite some excessive enthusiasm over this point by well - meaning Teilhardians of the «60s, no one can deny the central fact of Christianity: God enters into history and into matter in Christ, rendering relative all distinctions between matter and spirit, sacred and secular, before the primal fact of God's redemptive grace in all things.
I interpret this to mean that the Son of Man, Jesus, has come to his own flesh, his own family and by His supreme love, carries us back to the Father, to our natural and supernatural home, through His redemptive love.
«the Principle of Redemptive Withdrawal allows us to discern in the depths of these portraits a God who, with a grieving heart, brings judgment on people by simply withdrawing from them, thereby allowing them to experience the destructive consequences that are — inherent in their sin but that are typically brought about by means of other agents who were already «bent on destruction.»
In fact, without this a priori framework it would be possible to see from the text that for Paul the knowledge of God through creation is a redemptive knowledge, since, if the loss of this knowledge and the failure to accept the law written in the heart result in a loss of grace and condemnation (Rom 1:18; 2:14 - 16), then the converse must be true, namely, that the possession of this knowledge means the possession of grace and therefore salvation.
The emphasis is focused firmly on an art that has helped its practitioners to transcend daily life and strife not to mention its redemptive power as complex characters with complex pasts relate what it means to find something worth living right by.
Not what it means for most painters, nor for those seeking the redemptive light.
Smith's shelf of ceramic objects follows a similar strategy: appearing as the ceramic doodles from an elementary art center, they are instantly dismissible as serious objects, which in the gallery context means we begin looking closely for redemptive moments.
In both of his best - known books — Concerning the Spiritual in Art (1912) and Point and Line to Plane (1926)-- he displays a remarkable ability to reconcile the redemptive power of art's «inner pulsations,» meant to be experienced «with all one's senses» and exacting diagrams of the formal effect of different colors, shapes and lines, each of which he felt had a distinct sound.
Since God's name, «Emmanuel», means «God with us,» we strive to create an experience in the counseling room whereby redemptive dynamics occur between the counselor and counselee.
Though marriages can be challenging at times, I view them as a means of God's redemptive work.
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