Sentences with phrase «to reduce aggression»

The truth is, there is very little evidence to support the idea that spaying or neutering is an effective strategy for reducing aggression in dogs.
This is contrary to the popular belief that neutering reduces aggression and other behavior problems.
The report also lists which positive outcomes the program or practice might produce, such as reducing aggression, improving motivation or addressing test anxiety.
The most likely change in behavior is reduced aggression toward other male dogs.
Not only does it prevent many kinds of health problems later in life, it drastically reduces the aggression levels in male and female dogs.
These sessions could also include exercises dealing with anger management and control in the hopes of reducing aggression in their conversations.
First, it improves self - concept and reduces stress and reduces aggression Second, it improves academic performance.
These programs are show to reduce cat colonies to manageable levels, reduce the number of cats admitted to shelters, and even reduce aggression shown by feral cats.
In any animal including humans the reduction of the male hormones definitely reduces aggression.
A medical procedure, neutering, may reduce aggression in male dogs.
Increased serotonin levels in the striatum are known to increase cognitive and social control and also reduce aggression whereas low levels are linked with underdeveloped social skills.
Youth who participated in ROE showed reduced aggression and improved prosocial behavior up to three years after the intervention, suggesting that ROE is as effective as or more effective than similar programs that have targeted at - risk youth.
The second component is to have the school staff read my manual, A Revolutionary Guide to Reducing Aggression between Children, which explains what happens when adults make themselves responsible for stopping kids» fights, and teaches a less hysterical and more effective approach to the problem.
A cost - benefit analysis performed by Colombia University concluded that every dollar spent teaching an SEL program yielded an $ 11 savings through reduced aggression, violence, substance abuse, and better mental health and improved academic performance.
It was shown that adding tryptophan to the dog's diet, or decreasing protein levels in the diet helps with reducing aggression and hyperactivity in dogs.
Altering the way adolescents attribute negative ambiguous social encounters: a social - cognitive intervention for reducing aggression.
He sees himself as a «myth buster,» and his website describes how he's overturned some conventional wisdom, including the claims that «violent media have a trivial effect on aggression, venting anger reduces aggression, violent people suffer from low self - esteem, violence and sex sell products, [and] warning labels reduce audience size.»
Scratching is more than an itch — when it is sparked by stress, it appears to reduce aggression from others and lessen the chance of conflict.
Researchers concluded that there was «compelling evidence that [the RCCP] reduces aggression and violence in children and youth and enhances their classroom learning.»
TM has been shown to reduce aggression [22], and to increase overall relaxation in adults [23].
A new University of Washington (UW) study has identified five parenting programs (including the Triple P — Positive Parenting Program) that are especially effective at reducing aggression, depression and anxiety in children, and result in better mental health and reduced substance abuse in adolescents.
Thus, in the current study, increased cortisol levels and reduced aggression after intervention may reflect adaptations in the amygdala - based architecture involved in diverse capacities, including regulation of the HPA axis, modulation of aggression, and processing of social cues.
Review: limited evidence that risperidone reduces aggression and conduct problems in the short term in children and adolescents with disruptive behaviour disorders
Mary Gordon discusses the research showing that Roots of Empathy reduces aggression, boosts emotional literacy, and creates more caring children.
Children in the combined PT+CT group significantly reduced their aggression levels in day care and school settings, compared with both the PT - only and waiting - list control group children.
Even though most children show a decrease in the frequency of physical aggression as they grow up, girls tend to reduce their aggression earlier, and the sex differences tend to stay stable through childhood and adolescence.
The outcomes of well - implemented, evidence - based SEL interventions demonstrate this advantage by helping to produce consistently stronger academic achievement, accompanied by reduced aggression, lower emotional stress, and positive school climates.
Intriguingly, genes involved in the metabolism of starch showed up among the targets, along with genes that may have brought about behavioral changes such as reduced aggression and improved social - cognitive skills.
Neutering reduces aggression toward other cats and decreases the liklihood of fight related injuries.
Neutering reduces their level of testosterone, which helps reduce their aggression levels.
The social and emotional learning programs also reduced aggression and emotional distress among students, increased helping behaviors in school, and improved positive attitudes toward self and others (Durlak et al., 2011).
Feliway pheromone spray may help to reduce aggression between housemates, or simply calm your cat in general.
Dogs who are trained with praise, smiles, and well - timed food treats (again, think clicker training) are generally more engaged socially, respond with vigor to training, and respond more reliably with reduced aggression.
Child - Centered Play Therapy together with Parenting Counseling is wonderful for reducing aggression.
Jamie said: «Observable stress behaviours could have evolved as a way of reducing aggression in socially complex species of primates.
For example, maladaptive aggression is common in ADHD, and clinical trial data suggest that at least one antipsychotic, risperidone, when used with stimulants, can help reduce aggression in ADHD.
I might use medications to reduce hyperactivity, to reduce aggression, to improve sleep.
According to the study, more parental monitoring led to less total screen time for kids and reduced exposure to media violence, which in turn led to benefits such as improved sleep, lower BMI, better school performance, improved social behavior, and reduced aggression.
However further analysis revealed that it played no significant role in reducing aggression or prejudice or improving how socially - connected someone was.
«So if we're trying to reduce aggression, we should start by trying to reduce revenge,» he said.
Modern chickens carry a version of the thyroid - stimulating hormone receptor gene, TSHR, that has been linked to several domesticated chicken characteristics: year - round egg laying, faster egg production at sexual maturity, reduced aggression toward other chickens and less fear of people.
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