Sentences with phrase «to reduce body weight»

In fact, by trying to avoid gaining weight instead of trying to lose it, your clients may actually be more successful in reducing their body weight in the long run.
The initial goal of weight - loss therapy should be to reduce body weight by about 10 percent from baseline.
It significantly reduced the body weight and body mass index of the patients.
Research indicates water consumption is associated with reduced body weight, and while the link may be small, it's still there.
Both the circuit training and the classic cardio training reduced body weight and total fat mass.
In addition, findings show eating before aerobic exercise only reduced body weight.
When examined at the time of weaning, the young mice displayed reduced body weight, a symptom that has been associated with an increased risk of metabolic disease later in life.
Lower rates of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cognitive decline, and even reduced body weight and inflammation are associated with eating a whole - foods, plant - based diet.
A few controlled studies in obese individuals and people with heart disease showed that eating coconut oil reduced body weight and belly fat.
Clinical trials with supplements containing caffeine and extracts of green coffee bean, green tea, African mango and white kidney bean reduced body weight and fat.
Many studies have shown that low - carb dieting reduces body weight.
Bottom Line: There is limited evidence that snack foods reduce body weight.
Indeed, a team of ingredients like this has the potential to do great things to your metabolism, particularly as it concerns reducing body weight.
Daily practice of yoga will soon become a routine part of living and will help in reducing body weight as well as in keeping you mentally sound.
If this effect were to persist over the long term, it could help lead to reduced body weight over a period of several years.
In general, the products that most likely reduce body weight and improve blood glucose control are those with a higher fiber content.
The vegetarian diet was found to be almost twice as effective in reducing body weight than the conventional diet.
And despite what you might have heard, yerba mate isn't effective at reducing body weight, a review in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded.
In a scientific review article published this year in the journal of Vascular Health and Risk Management the authors conclude: «Sibutramine, in conjunction with lifestyle measures, is a useful drug for reducing body weight and improving
The center of gravity has been further lowered by the introduction of numerous technical innovations which reduce the body weight of the LC 500h.
The reverse correlation was also true, as exposure to light at night was a factor in gaining weight (another reason to make sure you have a dark sleep environment), but as little as half an hour of sun exposure before noon was enough to have an effect on reducing body weight.
A trial randomized overweight and obese subjects (body mass index > 25 kg / m2) to groups eating fresh versus fermented kimchi, and demonstrated that eating fermented kimchi significantly decreases body weight, body mass index, body fat, waist - to - hip ratio, blood pressure, total cholesterol, and fasting blood glucose.5 Kim, E. K., et al. «Fermented kimchi reduces body weight and improves metabolic parameters in overweight and obese patients.»
On the internet you can find thousands of similar experiences written by people who permanently reduced their body weight to normal and recovered from other health problem as a result of switching to the unrefined healthy plant - based diet.
Higher levels of daily leisure time physical activity was only associated with reduced body weight therefore the high intensity aquatic exercise was essential for improvements in both functional capacity and body composition reported Dr. Ben Waller.
B, Exercise reduced body weight similarly in all three genotypes (*** ANOVA exercise effect, p = 0.003).
Yacon Syrup have become famous for its natural composition and effectiveness in reducing body weight without causing any side effects.
«We were excited to see that prolonged inhibition of these neurons could dramatically reduce body weight,» says postdoctoral fellow Marc Schneeberger Pane, a co-first author of the paper.
In multiple mouse models of diet - induced and genetic obesity, delivery of the GDF15 gene reduced body weights, food intake, and serum insulin levels in the animals.
As lead author Laura Rupprecht said, «The findings are important in the context of potential product standards requiring very low nicotine levels in cigarettes, as they indicate that low nicotine levels may still reduce body weight, possibly motivating continued use and maintaining exposure to harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke.»
Exercise significantly reduced body weight across genotypes (Fig. 2B p), and there were no genotype differences in baseline body weight or in the effect of exercise on body weight.
Injection of recombinant leptin into obese homozygotes sharply reduces body weight, decreases food intake, increases energy expenditure, and restores fertility in male mice.
The study concluded that fewer larger meals reduced body weight, hepatic fat content, fasting plasma glucose, C - peptide and glucagon, and increased oral glucose insulin sensitivity.
Waist - deep water reduces your body weight load by 46 %, while mid-chest takes 65 %.
A study of diabetic patients published in 2014 in the journal «Diabetologia» showed that eating only breakfast and lunch reduced body weight and regulated blood sugar levels more effectively than eating six small meals every day.
Vinegar intake reduces body weight, body fat mass, and serum triglyceride levels in obese Japanese subjects.
, Defatted avocado pulp reduces body weight and total hepatic fat but increases plasma cholesterol in male rats fed diets with cholesterol, 2002
This was surprising, as sitagliptin has been shown to improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity but has not been shown reduce body weight in previous studies.
Green tea -LRB--)- epigallocatechin -3-gallate reduces body weight with regulation of multiple genes expression in adipose tissue of diet - induced obese mice
A 2006 study of overweight adults found that 3 g of chitosan per day for 60 days reduced body weight by 2,8 lb (1,3 kg) compared to a 0.8 lb (0.4 kg) gain in body weight for a placebo group (Kaats, Michalek, & Preus).
These studies have looked strictly at chitosan's ability to reduce body weight compared with a placebo.
«Alpha - Lipoid acid reduces body weight and regulates triglycerides in obese patients with diabetes mellitus.»
A study done at a university in Egypt found that use of ginger had «great ability» to reduce body weight while also balancing cholesterol levels.
In addition, since this unique holistic approach, apart from reducing body weight, positively energizes and influences entire human organism including the immune, nervous, circulatory, endocrinal, digestive and all other systems, often those who were willing to follow this plan also managed to reverse coronary heart disease or diabetes, recovered from cancer, depression, arthritis and other chronic diseases.
Jen KL, Lu H, Savona L, Watkins A, Shaw M. Long - term weight cycling reduces body weight and fat free mass, but not fat mass in female Wistar rats.
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