Sentences with phrase «reduce emotional and behavioral problems»

UQ principal investigator and Triple P — Positive Parenting Program founder Professor Matt Sanders said today the project aims to reduce emotional and behavioral problems in children with disabilities by providing free Triple P support to parents.
Established in 1996 with the goal of preventing or reducing emotional and behavioral problems in young children, TVC's Early Childhood Programs have provided training and technical assistance to parents and staff associated with childcare, Head Start, pre-k programs throughout Tennessee.

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Intensive parenting and health education provided in homes of pregnant American Indian teens reduced the mothers» illegal drug use, depression and behavior problems, and set their young children on track to meet behavioral and emotional milestones they may have otherwise missed.
In my classroom I found that integrating SEL into school experiences can have a profound impact: increasing the academic success of students, reducing behavioral problems, lowering emotional stress, encouraging students to make better decisions, and ultimately fostering a better learning environment for everyone.
To our knowledge, this study is the first to evaluate a culturally tailored parenting support program for Somali - born parents to reduce children's emotional and behavioral problems.
Our hypothesis was that a culturally tailored parenting support program (ie, Ladnaan [the Somali word meaning a sense of health and well - being]-RRB- targeting Somali - born parents would reduce children's emotional and behavioral problems.
However, we have not tested the underlying mechanism of change that would likely play an important role in reducing children's emotional and behavioral problems (eg, why the intervention worked).
Finally, using Triple P as a «population health intervention» resulted in significantly fewer children with behavioral and emotional problems and reduced parental stress associated with having school - age children.87
Matthew Sanders and others, 8220; Every Family: A Population Approach to Reducing Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Children Making the Transition to School, 8221; Journal of Primary Prevention, 29, no. 3 (2008): 197, 8211; 222.
The Stepping Stones Triple P (SSTP) Project is a five - year project funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council to evaluate the effectiveness of Triple P's Stepping Stones program in reducing behavioral and emotional problems in children with a disability across a population.
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of both functional behavior assessment - based interventions and targeted classroom interventions for reducing problem behaviors of children with emotional / behavioral disorders (EBD) in special education classrooms.Specifically, this study was interested in how interventions based on changes in classroom routines and instructional behaviors compared with interventions based on functional behavior assessment.Results demonstrated the effectiveness of incorporating effective classroom practices in reducing problem behaviors in special education classrooms for students with EBD.
Studies have shown that support and social connectedness reduces the emotional strain and increases positive coping abilities of caregivers and parents of children with severe emotional and behavioral problems (Munsell et al. 2012).
The results suggest that the control condition was significantly less effective in retaining cases than the two treatment conditions, which were apparently equivalent in reducing behavioral and emotional problems as well as in improving psychodynamic ratings of child functioning.
Studies have shown that support and social connectedness reduces the emotional strain and increases positive coping abilities of caregivers and parents of children with severe emotional and behavioral problems
KEEP provides enhanced support and training to state foster and kinship parents to prevent placement disruptions, improve reunification rates, and reduce child behavioral and emotional problems.
The program aims to prevent problems developing in children, promote emotional competence in parents and children, and when present, reduce and treat problems with children's emotional and behavioral functioning.
Strengthening Families Program (SFP)(PDF - 254 KB) National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections (2014) Provides a brief overview of the Strengthening Families Program, a family skills training program designed to increase resilience and reduce risk factors for behavioral, emotional, academic, and social problems in children.
The curricula are designed both to promote emotional and social competence and to prevent, reduce, and treat children's behavioral and emotional problems.
Thereby, this training could reduce their heightened levels of stress, emotional, and behavioral problems.
These families may be helped by early psychosocial interventions to alleviate stress and reduce children's emotional and behavioral problems.
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