Sentences with phrase «to reduce snoring»

Restoring balance to the hormones is important not only for helping reduce snoring severity, but also for better managing Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.
Fluffy, lowly pillows allow for added support for the neck and head, and they are effective in reducing snoring and congestion.
Adjustable beds meant for reducing snoring need to have the usual amount of adjustability along with a higher level of comfort and bodily support.
Also, the speed at which air is inhaled decreases, which reduces snoring.
Other noninvasive ways to reduce snoring include losing weight, avoiding alcohol and sedatives, and managing any allergic symptoms.
Anti-snoring pillows reduce snoring by regulating your sleeping position.
Although soft and comfortable it provides enough firm support for the head and neck, relieving pressure when sleeping on your side — great to know as changing your sleep position is a suggestion to naturally reduce snoring.
Sleeping on your side also prevents neck and back pain by keeping your spine elongated and reduces acid reflux, and it also helps reduce snoring.
Sqa pillow is very effective for people with migraines, asthma, insomnia, TMJ, and it also assists in reducing snoring.
Saline sprays and nose strips can ease nighttime stuffiness and reduce snoring.
People have found this pillow to be very comfortable for back or side sleeping, and it has also been reported to reduce snoring and eliminate headaches and back pain.
Stomach sleeping can reduce snoring and knees pain.
Although sleeping on your stomach can reduce snoring and diminish sleep apnea, it's also taxing for your back and neck.
Studies show that sleeping on your side, preferably your left side, can reduce snoring and ease acid reflux, heartburn and other GERD symptoms.
In addition to managing your Hashimoto's hypothyroid condition, you can also directly begin exercising the areas of the upper airways to reduce snoring.
Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet may help reduce swelling in those tissues and reduce snoring.
Researchers found simply exercising those muscles to maintain their tone can help reduce snoring.
The nasal strips will open your nose and relive night - time nasal congestion, reduce snoring and improve air flow.
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