Sentences with phrase «reduced public health impacts»

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Worse still, we're missing out on opportunities to innovate, to make our economy cleaner and more competitive, to reduce pollution — and its public health and climate change impacts — and to export our metals and minerals to a growing global marketplace.
The dairy industry can work towards ending hunger and achieving food security (SDG2) and contribute to healthy lives (SDG3), because of the important role of milk in the provision of energy, protein and micronutrients and through investments that reduce the negative impact of the dairy industry on public health.
Reducing socioeconomic inequalities in health is an important public health goal.1 A key first step toward achieving that goal is to evaluate and compare the impact of various interventions across socioeconomic strata.
The trade group, which represents formula giants like Nestlé and Danone on an EU - level, said it had not yet seen evidence or data demonstrating that reducing mothers» and caregivers» access to information has a positive impact on public health.
It states, in part, «Creating a sustainable regional food system that meets [the $ 1 billion] demand and offers equal access to nutritious food will improve public health, bolster the city's «good food» economy, build resilience in the wake of extreme weather events and reduce the city's «foodprint» as a way to mitigate the impacts of climate change.»
New Labour were also hampered with the theory of the «Third Way» mantra, meaning that even intellectuals like David Milliband were reduced to abandoning big ideas which could have a real impact, and instead being forced to concentrate on administrative details - hence the awful targets system he dreamed up to improve the performance of public services like education, policing and health.
Despite many unanswered questions about e-cigarette safety, the impact on public health, and whether the products are effective at reducing tobacco smoking, e-cigarettes have swiftly penetrated the marketplace in the United States and abroad in both awareness and use.
«We wanted to model the health impacts because this would help us to understand the trade - offs between benefits for public health, benefits for the environment, and the likely public acceptability of the modeled diets as we progressively reduced the emissions,» Milner said.
China is home to about one third of the world's smokers and reducing smoking in China could have an enormous public health impact, even on a global scale.
Vinetz said the next step will be to begin exploiting the genomic information «for vaccine and diagnostics development, experimental approaches to understanding mechanisms of disease pathogenesis and how Leptospira persist in the environment, all critical for developing new public health interventions aimed at reducing the global impact of this important but neglected zoonotic disease.»
Public health resources that can help reduce climate - related health impacts are often very limited in developing nations.
«This strategic partnership ensures our research will have an even greater impact in reducing the economic and public health burdens of influenza.»
And, she added that, «because research indicates that Alzheimer's and other dementias develop over several decades, increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary behavior beginning in early adulthood may have a significant public health impact
In this instance, however, the overall weight of the evidence from the cumulative body of information contained in this Public Health Review demonstrates that there are significant uncertainties about the kinds of adverse health outcomes that may be associated with HVHF, the likelihood of the occurrence of adverse health outcomes, and the effectiveness of some of the mitigation measures in reducing or preventing environmental impacts which could adversely affect public hPublic Health Review demonstrates that there are significant uncertainties about the kinds of adverse health outcomes that may be associated with HVHF, the likelihood of the occurrence of adverse health outcomes, and the effectiveness of some of the mitigation measures in reducing or preventing environmental impacts which could adversely affect public hHealth Review demonstrates that there are significant uncertainties about the kinds of adverse health outcomes that may be associated with HVHF, the likelihood of the occurrence of adverse health outcomes, and the effectiveness of some of the mitigation measures in reducing or preventing environmental impacts which could adversely affect public hhealth outcomes that may be associated with HVHF, the likelihood of the occurrence of adverse health outcomes, and the effectiveness of some of the mitigation measures in reducing or preventing environmental impacts which could adversely affect public hhealth outcomes, and the effectiveness of some of the mitigation measures in reducing or preventing environmental impacts which could adversely affect public hpublic healthhealth.
Making the transition to cleaner fuels has the added benefit of reducing the impact on public health and ecosystems and improving energy security — providing benefits even if the risk is eventually reduced.
introduced legislation directing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to study the environmental impact of black carbon and the most cost - effective ways to reduce its emissions to improve public health and reduce global warming.
These solutions deliver multiple benefits, from access to energy, public health improvements, reduced environmental impacts to driving a transition to low - carbon, greener growth.
Green freight programs work with the freight industry to minimize the public health impacts of diesel emissions by promoting technologies that reduce emissions from the combustion of diesel, including particulate matter (PM) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx), which benefits the health of vulnerable populations.
In its scenario, 20 % of the decarbonisation options identified are economically viable without consideration of welfare benefits, while the remaining 80 % are economically viable if benefits, such as reduced climate impacts, improved public health, and improved comfort and performance, are considered.
-- Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this section, the Administrator, taking into consideration the public health and environmental impacts of black carbon emissions, including the effects on global and regional warming, the Arctic, and other snow and ice - covered surfaces, shall propose regulations under the existing authorities of this Act to reduce emissions of black carbon or propose a finding that existing regulations promulgated pursuant to this Act adequately regulate black carbon emissions.
(B) areas of focus for additional study of technologies, operations, and strategies with the greatest potential to reduce emissions of black carbon and associated public health, economic, and environmental impacts associated with these emissions; and
Because slowly increasing temperatures don't seem alarming, the «availability entrepreneurs» push extreme weather events and public health impacts as being caused by human - caused climate change, more of which is in store if we don't quickly act to cool the planet by reducing fossil fuel emissions.
«One of the main objectives of any health insurance scheme is to provide financial coverage (or risk protection) by reducing such burden while enhancing use of healthcare,» Dr Anup Karan of the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and first author of the study, Extending health insurance to the poor in India: An impact evaluation of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana on out - of - pocket spending for healthcare, told The Indian Exhealth insurance scheme is to provide financial coverage (or risk protection) by reducing such burden while enhancing use of healthcare,» Dr Anup Karan of the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and first author of the study, Extending health insurance to the poor in India: An impact evaluation of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana on out - of - pocket spending for healthcare, told The Indian ExHealth Foundation of India (PHFI) and first author of the study, Extending health insurance to the poor in India: An impact evaluation of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana on out - of - pocket spending for healthcare, told The Indian Exhealth insurance to the poor in India: An impact evaluation of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana on out - of - pocket spending for healthcare, told The Indian Express.
It is recognised that the opportunities for prevention and public health interventions will be enhanced the more we understand the early pathways to poorer health and development1 and that to have an impact on health inequalities will require us to address the social determinants of early child health, development and well - being.2 However, appropriate service and systemic improvements for reducing developmental inequalities requires an understanding of the patterns of child health and development across population groups and geographies in order to underpin a progressive universal portfolio of services.3
This connection leads the authors to suggest that reducing violence and the amelioration of its impact has implications beyond public health.
I can't remember a new government stumble in Heath as badly as Senator Fiona Nash defunding the Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia (ADCA), siding with the food industry against public health, trashing the arrangements that Labor had made to reduce the impact of chronic disease, protecting her advisor who turned out to be associated with the lobbies.
This brought cuts to public hospital funding and a proposal for a GP co-payment: hallmarks of policy measures geared around reducing health expenditure rather than impacts on people and what was best for the sustainability and effectiveness of the health system overall.
Public health efforts aimed at prevention of early childhood sexual and physical abuse, in particular, may have a significant impact on reducing suicidality over the life course and improving mental health outcomes.
There are also concerns that proposed changes to mainstream programs such as increased co-payments and safety net threshold in health, reduced Commonwealth funding for public hospitals, increased costs for higher education, and changes to the collection of census data will have a disproportionate impact on Indigenous Australians.
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