Sentences with phrase «reduced regulation»

"Reduced regulation" means decreasing or lessening the rules, restrictions, and requirements imposed by the government on businesses or industries. Full definition
They see the promise of reduced regulation and lower corporate taxes.
The Conservative party hopes to save businesses # 14 billion by reducing regulation requirements, a report claims.
If anything, there is now an expectation for more clarified and even reduced regulations in the upcoming year.
Sixty - three per cent of respondents «agree» that «the provincial government needs to encourage more housing supply by reducing regulation on the home - building industry.»
He also boasted about his administration's efforts to reduce regulation as he maligned the «unelected bureaucrats» who «imposed restrictions with no vote, no legislation, and no accountability.»
But it also looks for momentum from Warren Buffet's increased involvement and the prospect of reduced regulations from the Trump administration.
«I'm absolutely convinced he has plans on both to make this country great,» he said, such as plans to reform the tax code, reduce regulations for businesses, and make sure fair trade.
Still, Giancarlo and Clayton, appointees of President Donald Trump who have been tasked with reducing regulation, will be hard pressed to walk the fine line between asking for more regulatory authority without expanding regulatory bureaucracy.
«A lot of people think reducing regulations is good for the economy; repatriation of all that money will be a form of stimulus package,» says Bradford Pine, wealth advisor and president of Bradford Pine Wealth Group based in Garden City, New York.
Nevertheless, the new President's stance on reducing regulation remained an attractive message for companies and investors, and in his first address to Congress at the end of February, he underlined his intention to increase defense and infrastructure spending.
Pokalsky says there's a need to promote greater job growth, which the Business Council believes can happen if government reduces regulation, fees and taxes, and offers companies more incentive to grow.
It will take reducing regulation and devolving budgets and responsibilities to the school level, enabling schools to take charge of — and requiring them to be accountable for — their own destiny.
Expectations for Donald Trump's administration to reduce regulations support the bullish case.
He claimed that if elected, he would reduce regulations which would lead to smaller school administrations and cheaper tuition rates.
A number of measures aimed at reducing regulation have been recommended to the government by the Korean Development Institute, a think tank.
They are focused on enacting measures to help grow the economy — including efforts to reduce regulations viewed as burdensome or hindering economic growth.
In short, financials has been buoyed by prospects for higher interest rates and expectations of reduced regulation from the new Trump administration.
In addition, two bills have been introduced in Congress to reduce regulations for companies seeking to conduct seismic surveys and related activities in the ocean.
Financials have been buoyed by the prospect of reduced regulation and higher interest rates; industrials would benefit from a prompt deployment of Trump's promised US$ 1 trillion in infrastructure spending; and materials and energy would see a rapid revival in demand for commodities.
«The program gives winegrowers environmental goals to work toward while rewarding them with reduced costs and, potentially, reduced regulation as they move well beyond compliance.»
President Donald Trump inherited a solid job market from the Obama administration and pledged to boost economic growth even further, strengthening the labor market by reducing regulation and taxes.
Looking ahead to 2018, Friedman expects the market rally to continue thanks to the Trump tax cuts and reduced regulations.
Cut taxes for small business owners, increase access to capital, and reduce regulations that keep them from starting up.
Chambers told CNBC that he thought tax reform and reduced regulation from the Republican party would help start - ups.
He has also promised to reduce regulations, some of which have supported the development of clean energy.
«If he can reform the tax code, reduce regulation and negotiate better trade deals, the U.S. technology industry will be stronger and more competitive than ever.»
She'd like to cut taxes for small - business owners, increase their access to capital, and reduce regulations that prevent them from starting up.
Many small - business owners support Tea Party efforts to cut personal income - tax rates, reduce regulation, and stop Obamacare.
Politicians also love to show love for small business by attempting to reduce regulation.
Like Trump, Le Pen has vowed to cut taxes for small businesses, reduce regulation, and increase domestic spending.
He notes the party's program of increasing calls to buy French — and reduce regulations — is attractive to those who've grown frustrated with the administrative burden of starting up locally, and the benefits that foreign businesses seem to have reaped.
Of course, once again, a lot of that has been since Trump has been elected, on the assumption that the new president will reduce regulation, something that few people saw coming a year ago.
Sen. Rand Paul, the Kentucky Republican, was the event's main draw, and he didn't disappoint with his conservative message of reducing regulation and privatizing more government functions.
Second, the Trump administration was focused on such market - friendly moves as reducing regulations and cutting corporate taxes.
The one - time GOP presidential candidate said he was able to turn around New York by using the same strategies Donald Trump wants to deploy nationally, including lowering taxes, reducing regulations and creating a business - friendly environment.
Further catalysts for capital spending could come from the push in Washington DC to reduce regulations and the proposed US corporate tax changes laid out in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act bill, particularly a permanent reduction in the corporate tax rate and a one - time tax break for repatriated overseas corporate earnings.
The new administration's focus on reducing regulations and cutting taxes were the only salient policy measures, and both were, of course, positive for stocks.
To the extent that the president fails to deliver on corporate tax reform, reduced regulations, and increased economic growth through fiscal stimulus measures, equities could prove vulnerable.
High hopes that tax reform, reduced regulation and a more pro-business agenda would jumpstart the next round of growth in corporate earnings, have eased in face of failure to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Before The Bell - Wall Street sprinted into the latest week hoping to extend the powerful rally in place since the November election, an upsurge that intensified mightily last week, when the major large - cap indexes all surged to all - time highs in a buying frenzy unleashed by expectations that the President - elect and his incoming Administration would push hard for a massive infrastructure spending program, reduced regulations, and popular tax cuts.
«With President Trump expected to embark on a programme of fiscal stimulus, reduced regulation and infrastructure investment, there is potential for stronger growth in 2017.»
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