Sentences with phrase «reduced wholesale electricity»

Baseload plants such as coal and nuclear are hit particularly hard by reduced wholesale electricity prices as they have low fuel costs and so don't save much money by shutting down or reducing output on sunny days.
In addition to driving more renewables and reducing emissions, an increased RPS policy can reduce wholesale electricity prices, act as a hedge against high, volatile natural gas prices, and add up to 3,000 jobs per year.
(Renewables are also reducing wholesale electricity prices, though not necessarily the full cost of electricity, because they still depend on subsidies and mandates that don't show up in wholesale prices.)
Why does renewable energy reduce wholesale electricity prices?

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Given the right financial incentives, though, many households may accept smart grid strategies that let utilities reduce power consumption in homes at peak periods of demand, when wholesale electricity prices are highest, some analysts conclude.
A Fraunhofer Institute study found that thanks to the merit order effect, solar PV reduces average German wholesale electricity prices around 10 percent and peak prices up to 40 percent.
Wholesale electricity prices this week in Queensland have fallen below $ 30 / MWh — see graph below — far below the levels of other states as mild weather and sunny condition reduced demand and generated a large amount of solar electricity.
Federal Coalition politicians have hinted darkly that this «indivisibility» hides AGL's true intent to boost the wholesale electricity price for Bayswater (and all other generators) by reducing supply when Liddell's generators grind to a halt for the last time.
In fact there is good evidence that renewable energy is reducing the wholesale price of electricity.
This point of use solar capacity reduces demand for grid electricity and so reduces the wholesale price as lower demand results in lower prices.
Research at UT Austin shows that while installing significant amounts of solar power would increase annual grid management costs by $ 10 million in ERCOT, it would reduce annual wholesale electricity costs by $ 900 million.
A plant may retire if higher coal prices, lower wholesale electricity prices (often tied to natural gas prices), or reduced utilization make investment in equipment like scrubbers uneconomical.
This cuts wholesale electricity prices, which reduces (non-wind) generator profits, but benefits consumers.
Reduced demand effectively creates an oversupply in the market, bringing down wholesale electricity prices and eating into the profits of generators and retailers.
On the incremental side, blockchain technology can be used to reduce the cost of utility bills or the need for working capital in wholesale market gas or electricity transactions.
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