Sentences with phrase «reduces electricity prices»

[A] s a result of basic supply - and - demand dynamics, solar capacity systematically reduces electricity prices during the very hours when solar generators produce the most electricity.
The first blow to Britain's efforts to combat global warming is the decision by President of the Board of Trade, Michael Heseltine, that the «nuclear levy» will end next year, reducing electricity prices by 8 per cent.
I find that natural gas price declines are the dominant driver of reduced electricity prices at the 19 nuclear power stations over this period.
«Wind energy will stabilize and reduce electricity prices over time relative to alternative forms of generation and a steady stream of new wind energy helps provide Ontario with much - needed flexibility to align electricity supply needs with changing economic and environmental circumstances,» he added.
How can this possibly be construed as reducing electricity prices?
The authors found that RPS policies supported 200,000 jobs in renewable energy - related businesses, and saved consumers $ 1.2 bn in reduced electricity prices and somewhere between $ 1.3 bn and $ 3.7 bn in reduced natural gas prices, because renewable sources displaced natural gas generation.

Not exact matches

If you just charge people a lower price when there's a lot of wind and sun (when the supply of electricity is abundant and cheap) and a higher price at times when there's not, they'll reduce consumption when electricity is scarce.
As energy prices go up, more customers will look to energy efficiency and distributed energy resources to reduce their energy bills, which will continue to push electricity prices up and drive customers toward other energy sources and services.
(E.g., compare the costs of administering the NSLP paperwork for the 80 % + of Houston's 200,000 students who qualify for free and reduced price lunch, or the significant overhead costs charged our Food Services by the district for things like garbage collection, electricity, insurance, payroll, human resources, etc..)
Organised Labour wants government to scrap recent levies on petroleum products and reduce percentage increases in water and electricity prices.
«We would encourage Government and industry to engage in a more open dialogue with electricity and energy customers so there is transparency in the future direction of prices, and also that customers are helped to reduce the impact on their bills through making it easier to make energy efficient lifestyle choices.»
Despite efforts to reduce emissions, unusually high gas prices in 2006 meant more electricity was generated by coal, the environment secretary explained.
We are thankful that electricity prices have been reduced by 17.5 % for households and 30 % for businesses.
Designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation, the carbon price floor (CPF) first appeared in George Osborne's budget speech in March 2011.
«Last week they told us oh don't worry; we promised we were going to reduce electricity tariff; it's coming, we are going to reduce it drastically... look under the current circumstance, when we are shifting from hydro to thermal, and with the kind of prices crude oil is achieving on the international market, if anybody tells you that they are going to reduce electricity tariff in the face of the privatisation of the ECG, and you believe them, it is up to you.
Given the right financial incentives, though, many households may accept smart grid strategies that let utilities reduce power consumption in homes at peak periods of demand, when wholesale electricity prices are highest, some analysts conclude.
By charging cars and trucks with electricity at night, American drivers could reduce the nation's dependence on foreign oil while potentially cutting power prices as well.
The customer can also recharge the battery in the middle of the night, when prices are lowest in some markets, and then use the electricity during the day to reduce energy costs.
We need to price emissions so that its price advantage (due to currently unpriced impacts) is reduced, we need to be willing as a country to pay more for electricity and be honest about it.
The U.S. experience suggests that a more efficient gas market, marked by flexible pricing and fueled by indigenous unconventional resources that are produced sustainably, can reduce coal use, CO2 emissions and consumers» electricity bills, without harming energy security.
Thus reducing the price of CO2 emissions from coal based power plants and in the end coal - produced electricity gets (or at least looks) cheaper.
Americans will have to pay much higher electricity prices despite the minuscule benefits of the Clean Power Plan, which reduces global carbon dioxide emissions by less than 1 percent and global temperatures by 0.02 degrees Celsius by 2100, according to EPA's own models.
The introduction of legislation to reduce the use of our resources and the steep rise in energy prices (wind and solar in need of conventional sources for back - up will double or even triple the electricity price compared to coal) will undermine our economies further.
She disputed a number of claims within the Alec resolution — including the assertion that reducing carbon pollution would lead to an 80 % rise in electricity prices.
Combining more - efficient lights and appliances with a smart grid that uses time - of - day pricing, peak demand sensors, and the many other technologies described in this chapter shows a huge potential for reducing both overall electricity use and peak demand.
Electricity expenditures also generally rise with Clean Power Plan implementation, but expenditure changes are smaller in percentage terms than price changes as the combination of energy - efficiency programs pursued for compliance purposes and higher electricity prices tends to reduce electricity consumption relative tElectricity expenditures also generally rise with Clean Power Plan implementation, but expenditure changes are smaller in percentage terms than price changes as the combination of energy - efficiency programs pursued for compliance purposes and higher electricity prices tends to reduce electricity consumption relative telectricity prices tends to reduce electricity consumption relative telectricity consumption relative to baseline.
As I've explained, there are in effect many buyers and many sellers in CO2E pricing, even if there is a government - enforced standard of delivering equal share equitably to all sellers per capita as there are different carbon intensities of essentially the same energy: electricity need not be produced from fossil fuels, and where it is, the fossil fuels may be less carbon intensive natural gas, or enriched through geothermal or solar hydrotreating to become less carbon intensive, or the CO2 emissions can be directly sequestered or used in coproduction to reduce net influx of CO2.
A carbon tax on coal destined to be burned will increase the price of electricity, but income tax, GST, or other taxes could be reduced so that the cost of living, and the total tax take, would remain the same.
A Fraunhofer Institute study found that thanks to the merit order effect, solar PV reduces average German wholesale electricity prices around 10 percent and peak prices up to 40 percent.
The remaining revenue should be used to help reduce the federal deficit and make the tax code more progressive, easing some of the bite from higher electricity and gas prices.
Wholesale electricity prices this week in Queensland have fallen below $ 30 / MWh — see graph below — far below the levels of other states as mild weather and sunny condition reduced demand and generated a large amount of solar electricity.
While RGGI didn't induce enough of a price signal to directly reduce emissions at the covered power plants, the activities funded by auction revenue did offer benefits including «emission reduction, consumer savings via lower electricity bills, and job creation,» according to CRS.
: The current Federal, State and private sector policies that are now increasing the fraction of electricity generation from Intermittent Renewables must be stopped / reversed in order to avoid / mitigate very severe micro and macroeconomic impacts and National Security ramifications involving skyrocketing electricity prices as well as dramatically reduced power grid reliability and resilience.
A price on carbon will create an economic incentive to reduce emissions from the electricity, heating, and transportation sectors, and will also create a revenue stream that can be used to fund programs needed to implement the Clean Energy DC Plan.
DC's proposed carbon price would thus be an incentive to switch to cleaner fuels and reduce emissions from non-electricity sources like heating and transportation, while Boulder's carbon tax is non-bypassable charge on electricity that applies even if one switches to cleaner energy.
A carbon price will complement and expand upon the RPS's electricity sector emissions reductions, while create new incentives to reduce emissions from the heating and transportation sectors.
Federal Coalition politicians have hinted darkly that this «indivisibility» hides AGL's true intent to boost the wholesale electricity price for Bayswater (and all other generators) by reducing supply when Liddell's generators grind to a halt for the last time.
In addition to driving more renewables and reducing emissions, an increased RPS policy can reduce wholesale electricity prices, act as a hedge against high, volatile natural gas prices, and add up to 3,000 jobs per year.
Carbon capture could reduce emissions from the electricity sector as well, but since it will raise the cost of producing power, the technology will not be widely deployed until other nations adopt similar carbon prices.
A system based on price - responsive - load would be able to remove this insurance component from at least some of the electricity supply and thus provide lower prices to consumers without reducing income to generators.
Currently it reduces the price of electricity from wind farms by 2.2 cents / kWh — from 6 - 8 cents / kWh to 4 - 6 cents / kWh.
While exporting electricity to the grid is no longer such a lucrative prospect, using solar power to reduce one's own energy consumption still brings price savings.
Further, the Governor's Clean Energy Standard to get 50 percent of New York's electricity from renewables by 2030 is the most comprehensive and ambitious mandate in the state's history to fight climate change, reduce harmful air pollution, and ensure a diverse and reliable energy supply at affordable prices.
Reduced nuclear generation due to outages and reduced hydropower generation both served to moderate declining electricity prices in much of the cReduced nuclear generation due to outages and reduced hydropower generation both served to moderate declining electricity prices in much of the creduced hydropower generation both served to moderate declining electricity prices in much of the country.
In 2015, warm winter temperatures reduced the demand for electricity, lessened the need to bring marginal generators online, and lowered natural gas prices.
When power prices are most expensive, the system automatically reduces the use of utility - provided electricity and instead draws from the battery.
The company pays the owners of commercial and industrial buildings to let it periodically reduce their power consumption when the grid is overburdened, or to avoid high electricity prices.
CMP cited project benefits in the filing including annual electricity savings of up to $ 45 million for Maine customers, reduced greenhouse gas emissions of 3 million metric tons annually and protection against future increases in natural gas prices.
If customers were forced to pay the actual price at the time they use electricity, they would be motivated to shift some of their usage to lower - price hours, which would reduce the need for some expensive peaking capacity.
Incorporating end - use energy efficiency into a 111 (d) rulemaking will reduce the costs of complying with other federal air regulations, helping to ensure that the power sector maintains reliability and that electricity prices remain affordable.
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