Sentences with phrase «reduces the warming rate»

Some heat is being transferred to the deeper ocean by wind changes, reducing the rate of increase in the upper layer, which reduces the warming rate on land.
Although there have been many suggestions for possible contributions to the slowdown of the recent warming rate, a reduced warming rate of the Pacific sea surface temperature seems to be a significant factor.

Not exact matches

Most of the current discussion focuses on what can be done to reduce the rate of exhaustion of limited resources, the polluting of air, water, and soil, and the rate of global warming.
Singer, founder of the Science and Environmental Policy Project, concludes that since global warming would raise maximum summer temperatures modestly while raising winter minimum temperatures significantly, it «should help reduce human death rates
But reducing emissions of short - lived substances that help heat the planet «could significantly reduce the rate of warming over the next few decades.»
«Although the Earth has continued to warm during the temporary slowdown since around 2000, the reduced rate of warming in that period may have lulled us into a false sense of security.
The planet is warming at an unprecedented rate and reducing emissions of greenhouse gasses alone is not enough to remove the risk.
And since mitigation reduces the rate as well as the magnitude of warming, it also increases the time available for adaptation to a particular level of climate change, potentially by several decades.
Reducing emissions of soot from vehicles and methane from pipelines may not help reduce rates of global warming as much as earlier studies have suggested, new research suggests.
That may sound like great news — but it doesn't mean that the world is warming at a slower rate or that the need to reduce emissions has become less urgent, the researchers warn.
But a new study suggests that targeting such emissions in the next couple of decades may not help reduce rates of global warming as much as we thought.
Since the UHI effect is reduced in windy conditions, if the UHI effect was a significant component of the temperature record, then we would see a different rate of warming when observations are stratified by calm or windy conditions.
When greenhouse gases increase, more longwave radiation is directed back at the ocean surface, which warms the cool - skin layer, lowers the thermal gradient, and consequently reduces the rate of heat loss.
Ocean acidification and warming reduce the survival rates of early life stages of some fish species.
However, warmer temperatures can also reduce soil carbon through increased decomposition rates.
Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are presently increasing every year at an accelerating rate, and it is extremely unlikely that humanity will collectively do what is necessary to not only stop that growth in CO2 emissions, but reverse it, and then reduce emissions by 80 percent or more within 5 to 10 years, which is what mainstream climate scientists say is needed to avoid the worst outcomes of anthropogenic global warming.
Increased warming of the cool skin layer (via increased greenhouse gases) lowers its temperature gradient (that is the temperature difference between the top and bottom of the layer), and this reduces the rate at which heat flows out of the ocean to the atmosphere.
This reduces Δ [Ca2 +] i and reduces contractility, but may be compensated for in vivo by the faster heart rates that accompany warming [13,14].
In contrast to a warm up, the main goal of a cool down is to slowly decrease the body temperature, lower an athlete's heart rate, and reduce against injury.
The reason for warming up is to increase circulation to your muscles (which will help reduce the risk of injury) and gradually increase your heart rate, it also helps mentally prepare yourself for the workout ahead.
The cool down is as important as the warm up period of the workout and when done correctly it helps to remove lactic acid build up from the muscles reducing muscle soreness and restores the heart rate and core temperature back to its normal state.
It is also true that after static passive stretching your coordination is temporarily reduced, your heart rate and respiratory system slows down (The complete opposite of what you want your warm up to achieve) and instead of increasing your readiness for physical exertion this type of flexibility training is more likely to make you feel sleepy which is why it should be used as part of a cool down.
These mentors help our students learn to knit so that they can make caps for newborns and patches for blankets in their quest to reduce the infant mortality rate and Warm Up America!
@barbecue - that's actually correct, at least indirectly — the lighter oil weights are used to improve fuel economy and fuel economy ratings are driven (at least in part) due to the desire to reduce greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.
8A / 12A switchable Level 1 charging cable CHAdeMO DC quick charge port Battery warming system MiEV remote system (pre-activated air conditioning, heater and timer battery charging) Approaching Vehicle Audio System (AVAS) for alerting pedestrians Charging Times: 3 22 hours for 8amp 14 hours for 12 amp 7 hours with 240V / 15A Level 2 charging system Less than 30 minutes to 80 % full with CHAdeMO Level 3 DC Quick Charger Driving Modes: «D» — allows maximum performance as it generates 100 % torque in direct response to accelerator input «ECO» — helps maximize energy usage («fuel economy») by slightly reducing overall power output to reduce the rate of battery consumption «B» — increases regenerative brake biasing to augment energy recycling (with 100 % of power production available)
CO2 emission - reducing lubrication and cooling circuit improvements include a 2 - stage pressure oil pump with improved oil jet, an optimised water pump with a reduced flow rate, and a twin - chamber oil pan to improve engine warming speeds.
These studies lend greater confidence to the detection of human - induced global warming and they serve to reduce the level of uncertainty inherent in estimates of the rate of warming
«It has been claimed that the early - 2000s global warming slowdown or hiatus, characterized by a reduced rate of global surface warming, has been overstated, lacks sound scientific basis, or is unsupported by observations.
Feed - in tariffs on fossil energy imports to the United States would surely end up reducing demand for fossil fuels as more and more renewable capacity became available — which is exactly what you would want to see happen if you are serious about slowing the rate of global warming.
Our results support previous findings of a reduced rate of surface warming over the 2001 — 2014 period — a period in which anthropogenic forcing increased at a relatively constant rate
The study was too limited to clarify whether the warming Arctic climate and related summer expansion of open water in the Arctic Ocean is necessitating more long swims — or whether that is reducing the bear's survival rate or reproductive success.
The paper appears to conclude that if we wait 20 years to begin reducing GHG emissions, assuming a modest amount of mitigation in the short term, we will have to reduce emissions at a 3 to 7 times greater rate than if we start now in order to keep warming to a 3 degree C increase around 2100.
We could reduce short - lived pollutants later, of course, but the inertia from CO2 - induced warming means that those measures can only slow the rate of warming, not reverse it and bring us back below 2 ̊C.
The increased troposphere - surface warming from more CO2 is best thought of by the rate of IR escape out the top of the atmosphere, which is reduced for a given temperature.
It discusses the only the impact of the ocean on rates of warming and how that reduced expected trends in Antarctica with respect to earlier simulations that did not include such effects.
Slowing the rate of global warming means reducing fossil fuel use and halting tropical deforestation; that will give people more time to adapt to our destabilized climate, «using whatever means available.»
Temperature tends to respond so that, depending on optical properties, LW emission will tend to reduce the vertical differential heating by cooling warmer parts more than cooler parts (for the surface and atmosphere); also (not significant within the atmosphere and ocean in general, but significant at the interface betwen the surface and the air, and also significant (in part due to the small heat fluxes involved, viscosity in the crust and somewhat in the mantle (where there are thick boundary layers with superadiabatic lapse rates) and thermal conductivity of the core) in parts of the Earth's interior) temperature changes will cause conduction / diffusion of heat that partly balances the differential heating.
Although global warming will certainly be bad in itself, the likely prospect of beyond peak oil will compound the situation drastically, with little help to reducing forcings and the rate of global warming.
Rising temperatures due to global warming have boosted the beetles» numbers by increasing their reproductive rate and reducing their winter die - off.
Whereas the CO2 has reduced the rate of uplift in the ascending column (which warms the surface) CO2 at lower levels reduces the rate of descent in the descending column which reduces surface temperature because less warmth is then being generated via compression of descending air.
-- Ocean warming and circulation changes will reduce the rate of carbon uptake in the Southern Ocean and North Atlantic.
They suggest drastic measures that would reduce the rate of CO2 emissions to that of 30 years ago as a solution while failing to show their logic flaws such as how if global warming was an issue 30 years ago, then how could us going back to the level of emissions then solve anything?
That warming on descent also reduces the rate of temperature decline with height which suppresses convection from the surface so that the surface on the day side then warms more than it otherwise would have done and the surface on the night side cools less quickly than it otherwise would have done..
For policy - makers, the speed of climate change over the coming decades matters as much as the total long - term change, since this rate of change will determine whether human societies and natural ecosystems will be able to adapt fast enough to survive.New results indicate a warming rate of about 2.5 C per century over the coming decades (assuming no attempt is made to reduce GHG emissions).
Greenhouse gases reduce the rate of cooling and they postulate a direct logarithmic relationship They translate this to increased GGs automatically equals a warmer Earth.
Recent modeling work also points toward future collapse, even at reduced rates of warming and decay from the present (19).
The Arctic has been warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world for decades because of feedback loops that have reduced the albedo effect, a measure of the way Earth reflects heat.
To understand emissions reductions necessary to have a good chance of limiting warming to 2 °C, the climate community has focused largely on emissions pathways — that is, when greenhouse gas emissions peak and the rate at which they must decline (e.g. peak sooner and then reduce less steeply versus peak later and then reduce more steeply).
Qin Dahe, also co-chair of the working group, said: «As the ocean warm, and glaciers and ice sheets reduce, global mean sea level will continue to rise, but at a faster rate than we have experienced over the past 40 years.»
They have have sought to render the 1940s less warm so as to compress the 1920s to 1940s warming, they have warmed the period between 1940 and 1970 thereby reducing the amount of the 1940s to 1970s cooling (in accordance with the Team's declared intention, to eradicate or at any rate reduce the 1940s blip), and they have increased the post 1970s warming exaggerating the trend.
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