Sentences with phrase «reducing water retention as»

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Improving water infiltration and retention capacity through high levels of organic matter and permanent soil cover, such as cover crops or mulch, which substantially reduce the amount of water needed for irrigation.
Generally, organic soil management techniques such as organic fertilization, mulching and cover cropping improve soil structure and therefore increase the soil's water infiltration and retention capacity, substantially reducing the risk of erosion.
All this does is reduce the estrogenic effects such as water retention and fat gain and strengthen the anabolic effects of testosterone like increased muscle growth and strength.
As long as you avoid adding salt to it, eating asparagus can help reduce water retentioAs long as you avoid adding salt to it, eating asparagus can help reduce water retentioas you avoid adding salt to it, eating asparagus can help reduce water retention.
Coconut oil has also been shown to help support thyroid health and potentially reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue, weight gain and water retention.
With its ability to reduce water retention, it is beneficial for treating bladder infections and bladder stones as well as chilblains.
-- Grapefruit and fennel essential oils help to reduce water retention because they work as natural diuretics and they reduce inflammation.
However, loss of bloat and temporary weight loss are not the only markers of a successful detox as there are plenty of ways to reduce water retention and promote weight loss that are not necessarily healthy.
Jon Sanderman, a co-author with Griscom, as well as a soils experts at Massachusetts» Woods Hole Research Center, said skeptical farmers are coming to understand that natural techniques used to sequester soil carbon and reduce agricultural emissions also end up benefiting soil health, water retention and crop yields, thus promoting food security — a big worry in developing countries.
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