Sentences with phrase «reducing wealth redistribution»

This debt is then offset against profit to reduce tax, thereby reducing wealth redistribution and social provision.

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While redistribution of wealth is (by definition) necessary to reduce income inequality, some forms of taxation could make it worse.
It is also used for its secondary effects: punitive taxation, taxation used as an incentive (e.g. protectionist tariffs, environmental taxes to reduce pollution, sin taxes on gambling or drugs, financial transaction taxes, Pigovian taxes), foreign policy (tariffs), wealth redistribution (progressive taxation, negative income tax).
I think you're going to see a massive redistribution of wealth to Wall Street, and we're not going to reduce the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
It's a massive redistribution of wealth, further limits our freedoms all under the guise of reducing an essential trace greenhouse gas, and does next to nil for energy independence.
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