Sentences with phrase «reduction in mortality»

Higher intake does not lead to a further reduction in mortality risk.
For example, the researchers reported a 70 percent reduction in mortality from cardiovascular disease in people who consumed one omega - 3 fatty acid for every four omega - 6 fatty acids.
The latest results from a 25 - year study of diet and aging in monkeys shows a significant reduction in mortality and in age - associated diseases among those with calorie - restricted diets.
The most celebrated study showing a dramatic reduction in mortality with psychological support was performed by David Spiegel, a professor at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
Conclusion «Dietary treatment with EGCG for 9 weeks resulted in a dose - dependent reduction in mortality in aged Balb / cByJ mice,» the researchers concluded.
(3) A study by the United Nations (UNFPA) and Guttmacher Institute estimated that investing in both family planning and maternal and newborn health services together can achieve the same dramatic reductions in mortality for US$ 1.5 billion less than investing in maternal and newborn health services alone.
For those of us with heart disease requiring cardiac bypass surgery (CABG), The New York Times advises we all take statins drugs, since studies show 50 % reduction in mortality for those taking statin drugs after CABG.
Although previous studies have found that breastfeeding provides a variety of benefits for babies, including apparently reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, the study is the first to demonstrate an overall reduction in mortality among U.S. children, Rogan and other experts said.
Eating nuts at least five times a week corresponded to a 29 percent reduction in mortality risk due to heart disease; a 24 percent reduction for respiratory disease; and an 11 percent reduction for cancer
«The reported 12 per cent reduction in mortality was directly associated with being vegetarian, rather than having a healthy balanced diet.»
SPRINT concluded that there could be a 27 percent reduction in mortality through the intensive blood pressure regimen.
Notably, the 75 % top income tax bracket rates that Professor Kim showed were linked to large reductions in mortality have precedence, with similarly high tax rates in the 1970s up until 1981.
«Better treatment, not more spending, saves heart attack patients, study finds: Increases in early stenting have paid off in lives and dollars, but overall costs have grown without accompanying reductions in mortality
«This new data shows a continued reduction in mortality and improvement in functional scores,» Sven Jacobson, CEO of Remedy Pharmaceuticals.
Hopes for a substantial reduction in mortality by the year 2000 were clearly misplaced.»
A higher intake was not associated with further reduction in mortality risk.»
Enstrom showed that increasing vitamin C intake had a dramatic 40 % reduction in mortality benefit which exceeds any statin drug study ever conducted.
In this study of 11,000 vegetarians and other health - conscious people, daily consumption of raw salad was associated with a 26 % reduction in mortality from ischemic heart disease.
These indicators can include livelihoods restored, improved access to basic health facilities, reduction in mortality rates and loss of life in subsequent emergencies.
Krupnick's primary research methodology is in the development and analysis of stated preference surveys (such as contingent valuation and choice experiments), which include eliciting preferences for reductions in mortality risks, environmental risks, tradeoffs involved in improving community drinking water quality with respect to removal of carcinogens versus microbiological agents, and, most recently, the risks from shale gas development as seen by experts and the general public.
A 2014 study published in the British Medical Journal showed diets rich in fruits and vegetables were linked with an overall reduction in mortality.
Those who ate nuts less than once a week had a seven percent reduction in mortality; once a week, 11 percent reduction; two to four times per week, 13 percent reduction; five to six times per week, 15 percent reduction, and seven or more times a week, a 20 percent reduction in death rate.
A recent study was published in the Journal of Nutrition stating that an increase of polyphenol intake is associated with a 30 % reduction in mortality.
Over the course of their first year, they observed a 10 % reduction in the mortality and morbidity rates simply by keeping mom and baby together.
Most of the reduction in mortality came from a decrease in deaths due to diarrhoeal diseases and measles.
Only one study of athletes in Italy has found a reduction in mortality, the authors say, and those results have not been replicated.
Studies of primary prevention, because they start with healthy populations, have a much higher hurdle to show a reduction in mortality.
The authors report that the best estimate of the reduction in mortality from breast cancer due to annual screening for women overall is about 19 percent.
«Whether this approach also leads to a reduction in mortality is not clear and has to be investigated.»
However, the reduction in mortality was similar both for peanuts and for «tree nuts» — walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, macadamias, pecans, cashews, pistachios and pine nuts.
We show experimentally that the reduction in mortality is produced by persistent and sex - specific maternal effects on the growth and morphology of offspring.
The average 90 - day spending on patients in the study is almost $ 27,500; for every additional increase in spending of roughly $ 8,500, the researchers found a reduction in mortality risk of about 2 percentage points.
Analyzing patients covered by Medicare, the study finds that increasing emergency - care spending by one standard deviation about the mean generates roughly a 10 percent (and 4 percentage point) reduction in mortality.
«Importantly, however, the magnitude of the reduction in mortality risk associated with midlife social support differed between the individuals who reported childhood abuse and those who reported minimal or no childhood abuse,» Chiang said.
The research team is already preparing a new clinical trial, with more than 3000 patients in several European countries, which will be powered to demonstrate a reduction in mortality with this treatment.
The difference may sound marginal, but it's a 22.5 % reduction in mortality — reason to be «euphoric,» says Dondorp.
A reduction in blood pressure leads to a reduction in mortality caused by stroke or coronary heart disease — so changing your diet to include more meat, fish, dairy produce and pulses could help both prevent and treat the condition.
Researchers hypothesized that the reduction in mortality risk from cancer was because of the anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory properties of aspirin.
The team said choosing poultry or whole grains as a substitute was linked with a 14 % reduction in mortality risk; low - fat dairy or legumes, 10 %; and fish, 7 %.
The reduction in mortality was thought to be due to reduction in systemic inflammatory response.
A recent study was published in the Journal of Nutrition stating that an increase of polyphenol intake is associated with a 30 % reduction in mortality.
For example, a study found that each 20 - gram per day increase in fish consumption was associated with a reduction in mortality due to heart disease.
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