Sentences with phrase «reduction in rates»

The problem is, it doesn't result in any significant reduction in the rate of emissions.
Another study found that adult mice who were exposed to doses similar to ultrasound had a 22 percent reduction in the rate of cell division.
I accept that welfare should be targeted on the poorest and most vulnerable people in society, and that they should be protected from reductions in the rate of spending.
, even small reductions in your rate can have a huge impact over the life of a 30 - year mortgage.
If they make the buy, these data indicate that these utilities should see an immediate and likely permanent reduction in rates for their customers.
My mortgage lender offered its customers a 2.5 % reduction in my rate IF their credit scores were at / above 720.
Since then rates have decreased overall, but the road to achieving a 15 per cent reduction in rates is long and the final destination is still off in the distance.
If this is the case then this may result in a long term reduction in the rate of warming of land and surface ocean temperatures.
-- While applying for comprehensive auto insurance women must exclude the male drivers in the family if they wish to avail a further reduction in rates.
Do your research on your traffic school and if your insurance company accepts reductions in rates from traffic school attendance, make sure the schools you're looking at actually appear on this list.
I believe capital gains rates are now at the right level, and I'm opposed to any further across - the - board reduction in those rates at this time.
In the six months after the exercise, patients who trained this way saw a 50 percent reduction in their rate of falls compared with patients who'd only walked on a treadmill.
A slight reduction in the rate of transfer from ocean to air courtesy of more IR returned from the air is sufficient to force a higher surface temperature.
The study also confirmed that Indigenous participation in both customary and contemporary land and sea management practices, particularly by those people living on homelands, are much healthier, with significant reductions in the rates of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
The tax reform legislation, which the GOP aims to push through Congress this week, will amount to about $ 1.46 trillion in debt from tax cuts over the next decade, with reductions in rates focused for the richest Americans and corporations.
While that is true, the brunt of those savings come from reductions in rates requested by UnitedHealthcare of New York, UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company of New York and Aetna Life.
The swift recovery in resource prices was a significant factor in explaining why Canada recovered more quickly than other G7 countries, and probably explains why Australia only saw a short - lived reduction in the rate of growth of GDP during 2008 - 09.
With an FHA streamline, you can move into the new, lower FHA premiums as long as there is an adequate reduction in rate + MIP, according to FHA guidelines.
Assume that frightening federal deficits force reductions in the rate of increase in Pentagon spending for the next fiscal year.
Some tax experts point to the proposed elimination of the Estate Tax on large inheritances and reductions in rates paid by businesses as policies tailor - made for the wealthy.
Commenting on the forecast, Raziel Obeng - Okon, a Senior Lecturer at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), said such a development though would translate into reduction in the rates, it would take a while to reflect on the market.
However, significant and clinically important reduction in rates for hospitalization, complications and surgeries were observed in practices assigned to early combined immunosuppression up to 24 months.
Most indicators of the state of biodiversity (covering species» population trends, extinction risk, habitat extent and condition, and community composition) showed declines, with no significant recent reductions in rate, whereas indicators of pressures on biodiversity (including resource consumption, invasive alien species, nitrogen pollution, overexploitation, and climate change impacts) showed increases.
The researchers also found that where there was an increase in a GP's performance against the Framework that there was no equivalent reduction in the rate of premature death.
Around # 62m was paid in protection in 2015/16 against reductions in the rate of ESG, linked to the time when the predecessor grant (LACSEG) was based on individual LAs» spending.
When restorative discipline is implemented consistently, schools see «improved relationships on campus, increased student accountability for misbehavior, and dramatic reductions in rates of suspension, expulsion, and criminal referrals.»
Many law departments review law firm proposals to grant increasing, step-wise reductions in rates.
Sandra Neilson - Moore, European practice leader for law firms» professional indemnity at Marsh, says the 1 October renewal deadline saw competition - driven reductions in rates for most law firms in England and Wales.
For example, if after the first year anniversary of the policy a client has stopped smoking, Prudential Life Insurance will consider a smoker to non smoker reduction in the rate class.
Courses that show a sizeable reduction in the rate of recidivism [i.e. repeat offenses] for crashes and violations are considered successful.)
For some drivers, these discounts are either unattainable or don't provide a significant enough reduction in rates to make their policy affordable.
(1) Despite reductions in rates since the mid-1990s, suicide still claims more... Read more
RRR (relative risk reduction): the proportional reduction in rates of bad events between experimental (EER) and control (CER) participants in a trial, calculated as EER − CER / CER.
Behavioral adjustment: Finally, those in the Early Start series showed small reductions in rates of both externalizing and internalizing behaviors at the 36 - month assessment.
This was due, in part, to reductions in the rate at which payments to certain providers are updated; slower growth in the use of Part A services, such as skilled nursing facility and home health services; and reductions in prescription drug prices as patents for several popular drugs expired.
Anderson is adamant that the familiar targets almost all politicians and many scientists use in public — e.g., «80 percent reduction in the rate of emissions by 2050» — are deeply misleading.
a 30 per cent reduction in the rate of asthma attacks requiring treatment with steroid tablets or injections — from 0.43 events per person per year to 0.30.
How can a slight reduction in the rate of caesareans generate several millions of dollars in savings per year?
Education level has also been shown to be positively associated with reductions in the rates of long - term health conditions, particularly heart disease and diet - related illnesses.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal - Fetal Medicine (SMFM) stated that, «one of the most effective tools to improve labor and delivery outcomes is the continuous presence of support personnel, such as a doula... continuous one - on - one support during labor and delivery was associated with improved patient satisfaction and a statistically significant reduction in the rate of cesarean delivery».
They considered scenarios of either unchecked greenhouse gas emissions or a global reduction in the rate of emissions growth.
Normally, we would expect to see a reduction in the rate of inflation when the Canadian dollar is above the PPP level.
In that Report, PBO concluded that the federal government's fiscal structure was sustainable over the long term given recent policy changes such as: reduction in rate of growth in the Canada Health Transfer escalator beyond 2016 - 17, reductions in direct program expenses and the increase in the age of eligibility for Old Age Security benefits.
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