Sentences with phrase «reduction of risk»

However, quitting can make a significant reduction of any risks in the future.
Since this blog is about reduction of risk, I advise all readers not to increase their risk by risking their retirement funds on the the company from which they derive their wages.
If your risk control methods require liquidity, then they won't work when you need reduction of risk the most.
The new study provides substantial evidence of significant reduction of risk of onset of dementia for African American men and women age 65 and older with hypertension when they take any of a variety of drug classes for their high blood pressure.
Ingredion Incorporated has submitted a health claim petition to the FDA for high - amylose corn resistant starch and reduction of risk for type 2 diabetes.
Strategies should look at achieving normal glucose regulation, through any means and however temporary, to make sure people with pre-diabetes have the greatest reduction of risk of diabetes.
One of the two groups of the study also showed that using liquid meal replacements instead of food actually affected more weight loss as well as a greater reduction of the risk indicators of heart disease than the intermittent fasting diet with food.
That delay translated to a 30 % relative reduction of risk that the disease would progress or lead to death, according to the study, which was published in August in the New England Journal of Medicine.
However, other members of the household may be able to act as co-signors for the loan with a good credit record that will guarantee approval from the lenders due to a significant reduction of the risk involved in the transaction.
When international stock indexes are added to the data, there is no reversion to the mean, or reduction of risk over longer periods of time (Philippe Jorion).
-- Dramatic reduction of Risk Management contractor hiring in London as organisations transition - business to Ireland, Switzerland, Poland and India;
«We believe that there is consistent scientific evidence showing a clear link between consumption of resistant starch from high - amylose corn and reduction of risk for type 2 diabetes.
MHRP applauds study results published online today in the New England Journal of Medicine that show antiretroviral medications taken orally on a daily basis resulted in an estimated 44 % reduction of risk of HIV transmission among men who have sex with men
One of the two groups of the study also showed that using liquid meal replacements instead of food actually affected more weight loss as well as a greater reduction of the risk indicators of heart disease than the intermittent fasting diet with food.
Since this blog is about reduction of risk, I advise all readers not to i...
One of the benefits of a pilot is the reduction of risk associated with a full launch.
«At every turn of economic life, the reduction of risk is the key to prosperity.
For high - risk infants, that reduction of risk is more than 80 percent.
The reasons for this decline are debated, but it could be due to methodological reasons (eg, changes in reporting or advances in diagnosis of specific diseases) or a reduction of risks, such as an increase in supine sleeping position for infants, as advocated by the Back to Sleep campaign.
«This initiative is not merely a weight loss competition, but rather an incentive to make permanentl lifestyle changes resulting in a reduction of risk factors for those taking part; hopefully friends and family members will be influenced to incorporate similar healthy behaviors as part of their lifestyles, all of which will lead to a healthier community,» Wallace said.
Unfortunately, these studies fail to take into account the difference between real salt and chemical versions, and the importance of proper salt consumption in the reduction of risk of other health problems like osteoporosis, cancer, arthritis, skin conditions, hormone balance, and nerve function.
Supplementation with collagen peptides showed a reduction of risk for injuries on muscle, tendons, and ligaments in athletes.
[7] A three - month study showed a 15 % reduction in cardiovascular disease risk with the diet, and another study reported a 50 — 70 % reduction of the risk of recurrence in coronary heart disease patients after four years of follow - up.
Despite the fact that fiber is one of the most crucial nutrients for gathering toxins in the body and removing them through the digestive tract, there are myriad factors that come into play in the reduction of risk for cancer and other chronic diseases.
The reward is high, but so is the risk, and I believe your training goals should start there: the reduction of risk.
This then leads to the reduction of the risk of getting chronic diseases.
The reduction of risk becomes even greater with each subsequent pregnancy.
Especially, as several have mentioned the reduction of risk with numbers of stock owned.
Reduction of risk for investment dealers and their clients by ensuring that trades clear and settle immediately;
The Reduction of Risk Is Not the Same as Increasing Diversification The Fisher and Loire study was primarily focusing on the «reduction of risk» by measuring standard deviation.
That's because there are two phases to the plan — initially a reduction of risk, later a resumption of risk.
If you don't rebalance, then you aren't really getting the reduction of risk you think you are.
The markets are choosing to play it safe however, and reacting as expected, with the reduction of risk.
Of course, that's based on the historical performance of equity markets — but the reduction of risk is not based on that, because whatever the markets do on average, they're going to do with our approach or another.
I have sold positions as a result of emotions, reduction of risk, dislike of company (s) new direction, investment cycle (s) and or course profit.
Reduction of risk for mammary tumors • Elimination of risk for pyometra • Elimination of heat cycle - related behaviors
The Reduction of Risk of further disease transmissions is quantified by a Zonal Protection Factor (ZPF) for each building or zone within a building.
This particularity contributes for the reduction of the risk of obesity and diabetes and promotes your dog's health.
Excellent ability to strategize solutions and develop long - term plans for reduction of risk and improvement of overall safety.
Proven process enhancements, reduction of risk & exposure.
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