Sentences with phrase «refer a child without»

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As Christians living in a culture that tends to present opportunities counter to our identities in Christ — children of God, as we're referred to time and again — the danger is that we may be influenced into believing the lie that the decisions we make are without the burden of consequence we could expect when we were younger.
To understand the challenge here, we should refer to Deuteronomy 25:5 where the law of levirate marriage is set down: if a man dies without children, his brother must marry the widow.
Derived from the Latin proletarius, «the one who produces offspring,» the term referred in ancient Rome to citizens without property, those whose children represented their only lasting contribution to society.
School readiness refers to a stage in a child's development when she is ready to learn in a formal learning environment and can do so effectively and without emotional disturbance.
If parents ignore the opportunity to present a shared parenting agreement, or are unwilling to iron out a reasonable agreement (with or without the help of other professionals); the Court will typically refer to the standardized Alabama Child Support Guidelines to determine the amount of financial support.
If parents ignore the opportunity to present a shared parenting agreement, or are unwilling to iron out a reasonable agreement (with or without the help of other professionals); the Court will typically refer to the standardized DC Child Support Guidelines to determine the amount of financial support.
Dropping off at School Separation Anxiety when Starting Pre-School It is natural for a preschool child to feel anxious when they are left in a new environment without mommy or daddy, which is referred to as separation anxiety.
Such parents place few, if any demands on their children — allowing children complete freedom to make life decisions without referring to parents for advice.
The Bureau also found UK border and asylum officers mistakenly categorising children as young as 14 as adults and sending them straight to adult detention centres, in many cases despite clear evidence they were children and without referring their cases to social services.
A school, group of schools, or an entire local educational agency (LEA or school district) may offer community eligibility if the number of children enrolled for free school meals without a paper application, referred to as «Identified Students,» is at least 40 percent of the total enrollment.
When tested with 283 children without disabilities and 636 children referred for special education evaluation, the WISC — III PS factor made no contribution to the prediction of WIAT reading scores beyond that provided by FSIQ (Glutting, Youngstrom, Ward, Ward, & Hale, 1997).
See how many your children can recall without prompting or referring to the vocabulary sheet.
Paragraph 1 shall not apply if the holder of access rights referred to in paragraph 1 has accepted the jurisdiction of the courts of the Member State of the child's new habitual residence by participating in proceedings before those courts without contesting their jurisdiction.
The return of a child referred to in Article 40 (1)(b) entailed by an enforceable judgment given in a Member State shall be recognised and enforceable in another Member State without the need for a declaration of enforceability and without any possibility of opposing its recognition if the judgment has been certified in the Member State of origin in accordance with paragraph 2.
Article 9 If the Central Authority which receives an application referred to in Article 8 has reason to believe that the child is in another Contracting State, it shall directly and without delay transmit the application to the Central Authority of that Contracting State and inform the requesting Central Authority, or the applicant, as the case may be.
This situation can arise as a result of family breakdown where one parent has family outside England and Wales and returns to that family with their children without the consent of either the other parent (referred to as the «left behind parent») or permission of the Court.
According to the Reporters Without Borders Web site, 69 - year - old human rights activist Khedija Arfaoui is facing an eight - month jail sentence imposed by a court in Tunisia for posting a message on Facebook referring to rumors about children being kidnapped in the country for their organs.
All of these names simply refer to an arrangement that you have made for your family without involving the statutory child maintenance service or the courts.
The adoption of the proposed screening and surveillance practices, may lengthen visit time to discuss results without additional payment to support that time and create significant non — face - to - face work.60 This includes referring patients and families to appropriate resources, tracking referrals, communicating with other professionals (which may require reviewing lengthy reports and school plans), and following up with children and families.
This is because, unlike public assistance benefits, such as food stamps and welfare checks, most states treat VA benefits as income for the purpose of determining an appropriate amount of child support that the parent without custody, referred to as the noncustodial parent, should pay.
Positive behavior support refers to a set of tools and processes that are used to help a wide range of children and adults both with and without disabilities improve their quality of life and to decrease the likelihood of problem behavior.
If parents ignore the opportunity to present a shared parenting agreement, or are unwilling to resolve disagreements (with or without the help of other professionals); the Court will typically refer to the standardized Maryland Child Support Guidelines to determine the amount of financial support.
If parents ignore the opportunity to present a shared parenting agreement, or are unwilling to iron out a reasonable agreement (with or without the help of other professionals); the Court will typically refer to the standardized Alabama Child Support Guidelines to determine the amount of financial support.
Inclusion in early childhood programs refers to including children with disabilities in early childhood programs together with their peers without disabilities, holding high expectations and intentionally promoting learning facilitated by individualized accommodations and using evidence - based services to support their development.
Kinship care may be formal and involve a training and licensure process for the caregivers, along with monthly subsidies to help defray the costs of caring for the child, or may include voluntary or mediated kin caregivers referring to those relative caregivers caring for children following a child welfare agency assessment to ensure the safety and suitability of the home, or informal caregivers, referring to those relative caregivers caring for children privately, without the involvement of child welfare or other government agencies.
If a divorcing couple has no children, their Memorandum (referred to above) and the required forms can be mailed in to the Court without the assistance of lawyers and no Court appearance is necessary.
Father absence refers to when children grow up without a father in their lives, particularly in their homes.
It is also possible that psychopathology changes the expression of temperament as suggested by the scar model [21] or that parents perceive certain temperament traits of children referred with problem behavior differently than parents of children without problem behavior.
These results in paediatrically referred children are remarkably consistent with our previous work in a psychiatrically referred sample.21 Additionally, the present results agree with those presented by Steingard and colleagues20 who showed that CBCL scores in children with ADHD and associated comorbidity were significantly more impaired compared to those of ADHD children without comorbidity.
(1) Our data are derived from children / adolescents (and mothers) referred to our tertiary Headache Center and may not be representative of the whole pediatric population suffering from migraine without aura; (2) The psychological tools employed in our study (TAS - 20, ASQ, SAFA - A, D, and S) have a self - report nature; although, they have been considered valid for psychological screening, they are not suitable for a formal diagnosis of psychiatric disorder; moreover, ASQ, as a self - report questionnaire, may not be able to elicit stress and danger situations, which are indispensable to activate the attachment system; (3) In future studies, it would be important to further explore not only the role of maternal attachment and alexithymia but also the role of maternal migraine features on their children's migraine severity, attachment style, and psychological profile.
Fifty children (ages 3 — 6) and their mothers participated; 25 referred to a child psychiatry clinic for one of the DSM - IIIR Disruptive Behavior Disorders, and 25 matched comparisons without externalizing behavior problems.
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