Sentences with phrase «refer children with»

A method to improve the primary care pediatrician's ability to recognize and appropriately refer children with behavioral or psychosocial problems is to systematically screen all children with a standardized instrument designed for this purpose.16, 21 One such screening tool, developed by Jellinek and Murphy, 22 is the 35 - item Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC), designed specifically for use by the pediatrician to screen for mental health problems in children ages 4 to 16 years in the primary care setting.
Additionally, referred children with normal visual - motor skills and low academic achievement did not significantly differ from normative standards on the WISC — III PS factor (Tiholov, Zawallich, & Janzen, 1996).
This study examined the effects of an evidence - based parent - focused family intervention for child conduct problems on representations of family dysfunction as evidenced in family drawings in a sample of clinic - referred children with disruptive behaviour problems and their families.
Previous studies that have investigated these relationships in clinic - referred children with disruptive behavior disorders (DBDs), have found parents» coaching of emotions to be inversely associated with severity of behavioral problems [34], and less characteristic of the parents of conduct - problem children versus non-clinic controls [35].
When comparing referred children with general population children (n = 230), there were no significant differences in regression coefficients between the referred and general population group in the relation between fine - grained temperament traits in relation with internalizing problems.
First, we compared referred children with general population children on levels of broad temperament dimensions and fine - grained temperament traits.
In the general population group, surgency was not significantly associated with externalizing problems, whereas referred children with higher levels of surgency did show more externalizing problem behavior.
These last two theoretical models imply that associations between temperament traits and psychopathology could be different in clinically referred children with emotional and behavioral problems compared to non-referred children in the general population.
Dadds et al. [94] pointed out that ERT could be added to usual intervention for clinically referred children with high CU traits.
The Effectiveness of Parent Management Training — Oregon Model in Clinically Referred Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems in The Netherlands.

Not exact matches

«Say you have a family with children, and you don't want the oven turned on while you're not home,» he said, referring to smart devices or appliances that can do things like that.
Genesis 1 refers to a Parent with dignified, trustworthy children.
Referring to the proposed relationships education lessons, they claim: «The Education Secretary has made no mention of ensuring that children are taught about the well - established benefits associated with being brought up by married natural parents.»
We are thus beginning this century, frequently referred to as the Knowledge and Innovations Century, with every third child being handicapped at birth in brain development due to poverty - induced maternal and foetal under and malnutrition and every
Edwards leaves us with a complex heritage, what Brekus refers to as a «double image of children
Mintz does not refer at all to research by developmental psychologists such as Jay Belsky of London's Birkbeck College and Alan Sroufe of the University of Minnesota; nor does he cite the huge, multicenter National Institute of Child Health studies, all of which suggest that more than 20 hours per week of child care beginning before the age of one correlates with a higher incidence of interpersonal difficulties by early grade scChild Health studies, all of which suggest that more than 20 hours per week of child care beginning before the age of one correlates with a higher incidence of interpersonal difficulties by early grade scchild care beginning before the age of one correlates with a higher incidence of interpersonal difficulties by early grade school.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;»... where was the children's PROTECTION???? i guess this GOD you refer to was BUSY with something else.
Similarly, just as with primitive people, the child accepts, in the beginning, a universal «participation,» as Piaget said, referring to the work of Lévy - Bruhl.
It is often referred to by other names such as sexual assault, sexual misconduct with a child, etc..
This referred to the open nature of children approaching Christ vs. the religious sect that approached with a skeptical, hardened heart biased to disprove the divinity of Christ.
In school, all the grand old masters of literature are brought out for the children to study and to struggle with, with those dorky Questions for Class Discussion: What rhetorical device does the writer employ when he refers to «poems they tape to the refrigerator door»?
This fictional encounter illustrates the relationships between sex, personal pronouns and forenames (we are concerned with third - person pronouns only — He / Him / His and She / Her / Hers): it may seem impersonal for Andrew to have initially referred to the child as «it», but he used that word only because he did not yet know the child's sex.
In the series, Warren insisted he wasn't equating gay marriage with incest or child molestation referring to Steve Waldman's earlier interview.
Thirty children from a black Baptist church in San Francisco showed up at the hospital to sing carols for Clover and other people with AIDS (commonly referred to as PWAs) In the ensuing months he was able to bring together the congregations of Double Rock Baptist Church, which condemns homosexuality as a sin, and MCC - SF, which preaches that homosexuality is a gift from God.
The «other things» to which she referred were Bart's preoccupation with building his law practice and her heavy investment of herself in the children.
'» To which one might add that the claim to know what those dead children might have done with their lives is referred to as soothsaying.
These terms refer to the evolved nest for young children that matches up with their maturational schedules: soothing perinatal experiences, extensive infant - initiated breastfeeding, constant touch, caregiver responsiveness, free play, multiple adult caregivers and extensive positive social support.
The sheer ridiculousness of the comments you refer to is freaking hilarious... because obviously these people either a) don't have kids themselves, in which case they have no business intimating that they would make a better parent than you, or b) do, in fact, have children, but SPEND ALL OF THEIR TIME READING BLOGS THAT THEY CAN MAKE DEROGATORY COMMENTS ON INSTEAD OF BONDING WITH THEIR Cchildren, but SPEND ALL OF THEIR TIME READING BLOGS THAT THEY CAN MAKE DEROGATORY COMMENTS ON INSTEAD OF BONDING WITH THEIR CHILDRENCHILDREN.
If your child has serious behavioral problems, talk to your doctor, who can work with your child and may refer you to a psychologist.
It's just a simple fact that some children take longer than 3 days to train, but even so, parents still like 3 Day Potty Training, they still refer their friends to, and they will use 3 Day Potty Training with their next child.
Please refer to our page, Guidelines for Good Communication With Children for more suggestions.
Baby's cry: This refers to understanding what your baby needs when he or she cries and learning, through your bond with your child, to respond appropriately.
Even proponents of bed - sharing acknowledge that you'll be in it for the long haul if you go this route — bed - sharing with your child is sometimes referred to as a «five - year plan.»
For more information about North Dakota child custody, speak with a qualified attorney in North Dakota or refer to the North Dakota Century Code.
For more information about child custody in Alabama, speak with an attorney in Alabama or refer to the Alabama Domestic Relations Code.
Narvaez refers to the Evolved Developmental Niche (EDN) as the early «nest» that humans inherit from their ancestors, which matches up with the maturation schedule of the child, emphasizing 6 components:
I am going to refer back to the book I mentioned above if you would like some help with managing your child's anger.
For more information child custody in Idaho, speak with a qualified attorney in the state or refer to the Idaho Code.
For more information about child custody in Alaska, refer to the Alaska Domestic Relations statute or speak with a qualified attorney in Alaska.
The results, referred to as the Byron Review, were published with the title «Safer Children in a Digital World» in 2008.
Refer to specific times along with events, even though your child can't yet tell time: «At 3 o'clock, when your sister comes home from school, we can go ride bikes.»
For more information regarding child custody in Georgia, please refer to the Georgia Domestic Relations statute or speak with a qualified attorney in Georgia.
In his 1985 book Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems (revised and expanded in 2006), pediatrician Richard Ferber presented one method of getting children to sleep that has become virtually synonymous with cry it out — so much so that you may hear parents refer to cry it out as «Ferberizing.»
With reports of decreased student participation in meal programs and trash cans full of discarded fruits and vegetables, the climate is ripe for a variety of factions to chip away at the new regulations — and the scheduled reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act in 2015 (commonly referred to as the «CNR») will give them a prime opportunity to do so.
Time sharing involves physical time with the child, whereas parental responsibility refers to make critical decisions on the child's behalf, such as those concerning her schooling, medical care and religious upbringing.
As a mom of four (twins plus two) I always slept with our children in our room for the first couple months, so when I say «crib» in the video above, please know I'm referring to «bedside bassinet», «co-sleeper» and / or «your bed».
If parents ignore the opportunity to present a shared parenting agreement, or are unwilling to iron out a reasonable agreement (with or without the help of other professionals); the Court will typically refer to the standardized Alabama Child Support Guidelines to determine the amount of financial support.
If parents ignore the opportunity to present a shared parenting agreement, or are unwilling to iron out a reasonable agreement (with or without the help of other professionals); the Court will typically refer to the standardized DC Child Support Guidelines to determine the amount of financial support.
For more information about how to win joint custody, speak with a qualified attorney in your state or refer to other references about strategies to help win child custody.
For more information about child custody in Washington, D.C., speak with a qualified attorney in Washington, D.C. or refer to the District of Columbia Domestic Relations statute.
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