Sentences with phrase «reference lab values»

Not exact matches

Reference ranges from The Blood Code are listed below — variation in reference ranges occurs between labs: Non-U.S. ranges are listed as (S.I.Reference ranges from The Blood Code are listed below — variation in reference ranges occurs between labs: Non-U.S. ranges are listed as (S.I.reference ranges occurs between labs: Non-U.S. ranges are listed as (S.I. values).
Most physicians only look for values outside of the «normal» reference range provided by the labs and may not be familiar with the new guidelines.
If you get the tests refer to the lab reference values for normal ranges.
Often, but not always, this can be seen on a routine blood test even if the values lie within the lab's normal reference range.
In truth, if your lab values are within the set reference range, you are within the «average,» and not necessarily healthy.
The «reference range» is the range of cortisol values that a lab uses to interpret lab results and say what is considered normal, or abnormal.
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