Sentences with phrase «reference points»

You will need to check reference points with each other regularly.
So, many of your cultural reference points will NOT be identical.
So we just make sure those six genetic reference points are completely different between one person and the other person that we're matching them with.
The main characters have become so much a part of popular culture that many women use them as reference points to describe their own patterns and feelings about sex.
Celebrated for his renaissance - like intelligence, Lagerfeld's aesthetic is imbued with cultural and historical reference points.
It's as much about what they're telling us as what we're telling them, because they bring things from different reference points and that's really important if we're going to remain a premier institution in terms of fashion education.
However, across the board, educators stressed that new media, digital artistry and idiosyncratic, global cultural reference points were to be celebrated, not ignored.
However, this season, his reference points were a bit more down - home, but not without Scott's sexy (and at times obscene) rock and roll twist.
In today's world, there are several platforms that can be used as personal style reference points.
Thank you for continuing to use consistent reference points for your statements.
These are the reference points that young women — women of all ages, really — now use when seeking the ideal of the perfect vagina.
Using super-distant, super-bright radio sources, such as quasars, as a wallpaper of stable reference points, this system of radio telescopes helped scientists measure the tiny shifts in the Earth's crust caused by continental drift and clock the movements of the atmosphere and oceans.
The tick marks serve as stable reference points when making precision measurements such as those of the small shifts in starlight caused by planets pulling gravitationally on their parent stars.
Time series from reference points (NCEP / NCAR data): previous 14 year mean (black) and 2016 values for NP (blue) and the EG (red).
Indeed, such rises in sea level as have already occurred would probably not have been detected without a rock - steady network of extragalactic reference points.
«These tubes provide the reference points for the cells, and tissue starts to build up,» says Angelo Vescovi of the University of Milan - Bicocca.
Why not, then, use the teeth of the frequency comb as reference points to measure against?
Olson had previously dated two of Adams's other works, «Autumn Moon» and «Moon and Half Dome,» but «Denali and Wonder Lake» contains no moon or other celestial reference points.
Karin Konoval wears mo - cap gear with reference points that capture her performance as Maurice the orangutan, digitally rendered in post-production.
The volume of the movie was shot on location with motion capture and witness cameras (which provide 3 - D reference points to help create 3 - D computer - generated characters).
To align the instrument with the computer image of the skull, specific anatomical reference points on the patient's face, such as the corner of the mouth, are aligned to corresponding points on the three - dimensional image.
Single - frequency receivers can be used but, because of the errors introduced by the atmosphere, they can only measure movement relative to local reference points, such as each other.
Despite having no visual reference points, after just 70 hours of training, the individuals went from «hearing» simple dots and lines to «seeing» whole images such as faces and street corners composed of 4500 pixels.
In case a marker was moved, so - called «witness trees» near the stake were identified as reference points.
It captured up to 30,000 digital reference points on each in situ shipwreck to be assembled later into large - scale 3 - D images.
They also set reference points for future studies looking at the connection between metabolic processes and diseases such as cancer.»
VID President Nadine Hoffmann and CRDCNYC President Michael Schreiber welcomed panelists NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer, Small Business advocate Attorney Steve Barrison and Queens Center for Progress Executive Director, Charles Houston, each with different reference points regarding the $ 15 minimum wage.
These 2 countries have been the reference points of Nana Addo and the npp whenever they want to lie that Ghana is in crisis.
Here are three revealing statistical reference points:
We have made a bad habit of winning some meaningless games every season and then using them as reference points or to justify failure at the end of the season.
Hence the decision to quote from «Cherishing Life» and its use in the Teacher Reference Points to the Church's Teaching and Pupil Resource Sheet 12b on page 72ff of How I Am.
Courses of convergence began to appear, clearly based on the fact that they all took the same data as their reference points.
Beginning / end view is immaterial since time is without boundaries and reference points are infinite from Gods perspective.
And like Adams, Frank Wolf drew the affection and respect of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle, who know that the House is losing one of its unsullied moral reference points when Frank Wolf retires.
It is that way of knowing a thing which proceeds «by going all around it,» by relating it to other known reference points, rather than by «entering into it» (CM 159).
When reference is intended, what the reference points to is called the referent.
Beginning and end only have reference points inside of our timeline.
If he lacked these reference points, his work would be rendered a purely descriptive recital.
How could you possibly come to your own conclusion when the world forms your reference points?
Its categories — such as «Christ against culture» and «Christ of culture» — have ever since been familiar reference points in the field of Christian ethics and in debates about how Christians and the church should engage matters of politics, society and culture.
When Jesus» origin and destiny were established, these became his reference points.
How many more instances and reference points must be shown to you before you admit you are wrong or does admitting to being wrong scare you?
To constrain debate, there needed to be something like rationalism to impose settled reference points.
Assemblies decide little and often leave the churches in some confusion, but they are always taken as milestone events, reference points for organized «Ecumenism» and the cause of Christian unity.
Our entire days are structured around meal times with breakfast, lunch, and dinner often used as reference points for what we do and when.
«While these numbers can serve as great reference points, it's important to remember that your ideal posting frequency will depend on how many overall posts are filling the feeds of your social followers and subscribers.
Thus, the long - term target incentives for the NEOs who head these significant business segments are determined based on a blend of peer positions with similar titles at peer group companies and CEO positions among smaller companies, using the 75th percentile for peer - company positions and the median for CEO positions at smaller companies as competitive reference points.
Management retains an independent compensation consultant, Haigh & Company, to provide comparative market data regarding executive compensation to assist the Compensation Committee in establishing reference points for the base salary, annual incentive, and long - term incentive components of our compensation package.
«If the test were run on the basis of their latest capital positions, both banks would meet their CET1 capital ratio and Tier 1 leverage ratio systemic reference points
«However, using the rules as reference points and discussing why our policy may differ from these policy descriptions could go some way in helping to explain our own policy reaction function to the public.»
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