Sentences with phrase «references available»

Extensive references available on request.
Manufacturing Operations Support Mechanical Project Management Project Planning Machine repair Welding ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Central Birmingham University — Mechanical Engineering Degree 2003 - 2007 Aston College - HND 2001 — 2003 Coventry School; O levels Maths (A) English (B) Geography (B) Physics (A) REFERENCES Available on request.
AREAS OF EXPERTISE Consumer loans Opening accounts Processing transactions Resolving problems Lead generation ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS University name - Degree details Study Dates College name - Qualifications Study Dates School name - Subjects / Grades Study Dates REFERENCES Available on request.
There are a few basic ways of attaching references to your resume, you can either write at the bottom of your resume «References Available Upon Request» or include them in your resume.
While jobseekers used to add «References available upon request» at the end of their resumes, it's no longer necessary in today's employment market.
Note: In professional resume writing, it has become passé to include a list of references on your resume or even the line «references available upon request.»
If you don't have space for your references on your resume, though, you can note «References available on request» to keep your document at one page, like our construction supervisor resume sample.
References are often optional, and rather than listing references unsolicited you can often skip them for «references available on request» or nothing at all.
Writing «references available upon request» is actually more harmful than failing to list references when employers expected them, as it takes up valuable space on the document and employers may simply ask for them during an interview.
Neither should you include the formerly common sentence «References available upon request.»
Do not end with «References available on request» — they know how to ask you for them.
You don't have to write a line that says «references available upon request.»
First, Careers Job News background check resumeAre Your References Available on Request?
Because most hiring managers already know they can request references from you, there's no need to even state «References available upon request.»
You should also avoid including the phrase «References available upon request» on your resume.
References available upon request: Including a list of references or the statement, «References available upon request,» isn't necessary, because it's expected that you have references, should an employer request them.
You do not even want to put «References available upon request» on the CV.
● Do not include phrases like «references available on request» and never put in your hobbies
That's right; don't list references on your resume, and especially don't say, «References Available Upon Request.»
Offering References: You don't need to include a line about making references available when potential employers request them.
• If your resume still mentions «references available upon request», please come out of the Stone Age.
Another resume mistake that makes your document look out of date is the use of the sentence, «references available upon request.»
The jobseeker does not include a list of references, nor does she include the statement, «references available upon request.»
Many resumes use the «References available upon request» as a way of ending their resume.
There is no need to include «References available on request» on your resume, because employers will assume that you have them.
For a long time I added «references available» in the footer.
At the bottom of your resume, type «references available upon request.»
Fact: The phrase, «references available upon request» is completely optional.
When the HR see phrase «references available upon request» — he or she understand that it is not professional resume and it was written by an amateur.
2) References available upon request.
Generally this isn't done, simply put «References available upon request» at the bottom of your resume.
Personal and professional references available upon request.
Avoid submitting references with your resume, rather state «References available on request».
However, like the objective statement, «references available upon request,» is something that the employer already knows.
If your resume still has things like an Objective Statement, References available upon request, and filler words like «successful,» «results - oriented,» or «creative,» it's time to take them out.
References available upon request: It's expected that you'd make references available when requested, so no need to state it on the resume; and
Update for 2014: The phrase «references available upon request» has fallen out of fashion.
If you've got the space, it is common to put «References Available Upon Request» at the bottom of your resume.
• Including References Available on Request.
It is also not recommended to list something like «references available upon request.»
In an earlier age, job seekers in almost every industry at almost every level would attach this short little tagline under the final text of a professional resume: «References available upon request.»
Hiring managers already know that candidates will make references available if they are asked.
You may be wondering whether you should include professional references on your resume, or if you should write something like «references available upon request».
On a resume, it is completely unnecessary to state «references available upon request.»
You need not write «References available upon request,» too, since it states the obvious and takes up valuable space for the achievements you must highlight on your resume.
Type the words, References available upon request.
Don't waste your precious space to include the names and contact info of your references or write statements such as «references available upon request».
However, always have available at least three references available to submit when requested.
It had an Objective that focused on what it wanted from the employer; followed by a series of job description statements and ended with References Available on Request.
As the nature of resume writing has evolved, the «References Available Upon Request» statement has been dropped.
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