Sentences with phrase «references someone cite»

Finally, in addition to an extensive list of references cited in the article, a list of other resources is included below for those interested in further investigation.
Some details are provided in the previous reference I cited.
While Judge Voss did not elaborate on the infringement finding and on the reasons for which his court ordered a stay, I remember from the trial that the key prior art reference cited by Apple was a version of the UMTS specifications that predated the filing of Samsung's patent application.
The one thing I would caution is that if you look at the list of references cited, they are not coffee people for the most part and are defiantly not coffee quality people, they are scientists in agroforestry and biology.
It is from the same Heartland report that Mueller times the start of the greening as «since the early 1980s» when if he had read the other more reliable references he cited he would have known the greening began in 1994.
Since Donna Laframboise's most recent post makes it clear that she has yet to investigate the significance of the Greenpeace references cited in the IPCC report, can you correct your sentence in the original post that states Greenpeace has had «a significant hand in the IPCC climate bible.»?
The models generally arrive at a value of about 1.2 C, not 1 C, as can be calculated from the Soden and Held reference I cited in the earlier thread on «confidence».
I checked the SPM's claims against the chapter references cited in the SPM.
Interestingly, although BALB / c mice show a time - delayed improvement in learning acquisition for an appetitive task similar to that of C57BR / cd mice for avoidance learning, neither C57BR / cd nor C57BL / 6 exhibit show such time - dependent improvement in appetitive learning (Kitahama et al. 1981 and references cited therein).
Other references cite that human milk components are, in vitro, able to degrade many pathogens including but not limited to N. gonorrheae, H. influenzae, V. cholera, H. pylori, S. flexneri, and B. pertussis.
Just for the record, this author butchers and dices each reference he cites.
Unfortunately, some people do not peruse cited references and / or the reference cited is huge and needs to be abstracted to the focal point of discussion.
How is that any different than reading the references cited by NT exegetes other than it is a lot faster?
None of the referenced you cited had anything to do with controlled crying so please, enlighten me and post a link to a study that has dealt with it at all.
References cited in the study are mostly from the American Dietetic Association, another group heavily sponsored by the food industry.
References cited in the Supplementary Materials should be included as part of the main reference list and numbered reference citations should cite this single main list.
The reference cited the work of domestic environmental groups that oppose the building of massive dams in the country.
According to the Astronomiches Rechen - Institut at Heidelberg's ARICNS entry for Gl 33, BD +04 123 was once thought to have a flaring, presumably stellar companion at a separation of around 20 AUs (2.69» at 340.7 ° in 71.62 to 270» at 353.2 ° in 78.69), but Hei 202 was not be found in the reference cited (Wulff Dieter Heintz, 1985).
The estimated accumulated dosage required to produce argyria is approximately one to six grams of silver, depending on the reference cited.
If your medications make you tired, schedule an urgent visit with your doctor and bring the reference I cite at the bottom of the article so they are up to date.
I explain it to a more lay audience in my book but have all of the references cited so that my fellow scientists can do their own research and cross reference my work.
The references cited by Robinson mainly involve peer - reviewed research, by recognized scholars, that had appeared in prestigious journals.
We also provide an annotated bibliography for all references cited.
I'd be wary of suggesting there is a collective effort on the part of established publishers to label Self Publishers «cheats», when it appears that the reference you cited is just that — a single reference.
Do not forget to reference the cited and consulted sources.
References Cite all the idea or text taken from.
There is no reference cited nor provided.
Lucio Fontana's slashed canvases, Arte Povera artists» use of industrial materials, and the graffiti - like mark - making of Jean Dubuffet and Cy Twombly are some of the references cited in Stingel's press materials.
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